
Access to potable water supply is woefully inadequate in the Municipality. The major sources of water in the Municipality include pipe borne, borehole, stream, well and others. The Municipality has one hundred and eighty (180) borehole. Agogo and Hwidiem are the only towns that benefit from pipe borne water. Access to good drinking water is a major problem in most communities especially those communities in the Northern part of the Municipality.

The inadequate supply of pipe borne water in the Municipality has for over the years posed a big problem to the people. Only few settlements have access to potable water in the form of boreholes and hand dug wells. However, where this exists, there is much pressure on them, and more people sometimes have to depend on other sources; such as streams for their water supply.

To address the problem associated with inadequate water supply, and its attendant health problems, the Rural Water Supply Project (RWSP III) which was designed to provide potable water for rural communities have been completed. The project has provided a number of boreholes to some communities in the Municipality.


Sanitation in the Municipality is generally poor. This is characterized by lack of drains, heaped refuse disposal sites, unkempt surroundings and inadequate toilet facilities in both private and public homes. Only five (5%) of the total houses in the Municipality have internal toilet. Pit latrine and ‘‘free range system of defecating’’ in bushes, public open spaces continue to receive frequent patronage.


Date Created : 11/21/2017 7:11:46 AM