Institutional and Administrative set up of the Munincipal

The district administrative system comprises of the District Assembly / Secretariat, Departments of the District Assembly, four sub-districts; (namely, Lawra Town Council, Babile, Zambo and Eremon Area Councils) and the Unit Committees. Traditional adaministration is under the Lawra Traditional Council.

The Assembly has all the full complement of the 11 departments under L.I 1961. However, some of these departments are under resourced to perform their functions. In addition, personnel in these departments are inadequate. There is therefore the need to resource and post more personnel to man these departments.


Composition of Assembly

The Municipal Assembly is made up of 44 Assembly members out of which 29 are elected and 13 are Government Appointees. The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) and the Member of Parliament (MP) add up to the number 44.


Date Created : 11/15/2017 3:00:43 AM