Water and sanitation

Access to water is relatively high as majority of the population have access to boreholes and mechanised water systems. 74% of the population have access to water supply for domestic and other uses. This notwithstanding,  about 10% of the people still resort to wells and spring for water. This poses health risks as the safety of the water from wells and springs cannot be guaranteed.

The table below present the source of water households in the Municipality. Access to water looks good with the statistics. However, the dispersed settlement pattern of the Municipality makes it a challenge for many people to access water. Many people still travel long distances to fetch water beyond the standard of 500meters. It is therefore important that a lot of investments are made in providing water to communities.



Sanitation situation is not the best as open defecation is rampant in the Municipality. From the data available, 63% of households do not have access to toilet facilities and therefore resort to open defecation. The table below shows the types of sanitary facilities used by households.


Date Created : 4/11/2018 7:06:28 AM