
Rivers and streams constitute the main sources of water for domestic utilisation in the municipality.  About 30% of the communities have access to safe drinking water.  These comprise pipe borne water, boreholes and hand-dug wells.  Out of the 30% of the community that have access to potable water, a significant proportion of the households continue to draw water from the rivers and streams due to inadequacy and unreliability of the available facilities.  The rest of the communities depend mainly on stream and rivers.

Sanitation – Method of Refuse Disposal

Refuse in the Municipality is mainly disposed off through open dumping.  Most of these refuse dumps are not organised. The few organised ones have unkempt surroundings.  This has resulted in large heaps of refuse at the dumpsites of most communities in the especially Bekwai and Kokofu.

Drainage In Communities

In addition to poor refuse disposal, drainage is generally poor in all the communities in the Municipality.  This has resulted in excessive erosion leading to expose foundations of most buildings especially in Bekwai, Essumeja, Dominase and Kokofu.


Date Created : 11/25/2017 2:47:19 AM