Educational Circuits in the Municipality  




Bekwai 1

Bekwai 11

The Municipality has 116 Nursery/kindergarten schools, 195 primary schools, 94 JSS, 6 Senior Secondary Schools and 1 vocational school which is under the Department of Community Development.  All these schools are public schools.  There are also private schools in the Municipality.  

Some of the Primary schools and JSS buildings are in deplorable condition - cracked walls, rotten door and window frames, rusty and leaking roofs and cracks floors.  

Out of the 195 primary schools, 133 are in good condition and 62 are in such a bad state that they need immediate attention.  The situation is quite good for the Junior Secondary schools.  Out of a total of 95 JSS, 89 are in good condition, only 5 need immediate attention.  Twenty-seven (27) primary schools and six (6) JSS need additional classrooms.

The table below shows some basic statistics about education in the Municipality.

PRIMARY          -      PTR         –     28:1
J.S.S              -        PTR          –    20:1
S.S.S              -        PTR         –       6:1

Primary Schools in the Municipality situation at a  Glance

1.    No. in good condition                              -    133 
2.    No. in bad condition                                -      62
3.    No. with adequate furniture                    -      26
4.    No. without adequate furniture               -    169
5.    No. with toilet facility                                -    48
6.    No. without toilet facility                          -   147
7.    No. with water                                           -  75
8.    No. without water                                      -120
9.    No. with Library facility                            -       1
10.    No. without Library facility                     -   194
11.    No. with computers                               -    Nil
12.    No. needing additional classrooms              27 

Junior Secondary Schools (JSS)  at a  Glance

1.    No. in good condition                                       -        89
2.    No. in bad condition                                         -          5
3.    No. with adequate furniture                            -        41
4.    No. without adequate furniture                      -          53
5.    No. with toilet facility                                        -        36
6.    No. without toilet facility                                     -      58
7.    No. with water                                                  -       7
8.    No. without water                                             -      57
9.    No. with Library facility                                    -         2
10.    No. without Library facility                            -         92
11.    No. with computers                                      -         Nil
12.    No. needing additional classrooms          -                6 

Supervision of Schools

1.    No. of circuits under GES                                           -    13
2.    No. of circuit supervisors                                           -    13
3.    No. of supervisors with motor bikes                           -    10
4.    No. of supervisors without motor bikes                       -    3 

Support  To The Municipal Education In General

•    Support to STME clinic
•    Support Best Teacher Award
•    Support to J.S.S Mock Examinations
•    Provision of furniture to schools
•    Provision of teaching and learning materials
•    Distribution of Samaritan purse
•    Donor intervention of QUIPS GAIT II/EQUAL
•    Support to Needy but Brilliant Children


Date Created : 11/24/2017 7:37:21 AM