Water and Sanitation Coverage in Rural Areas

The provision of water facilities in the rural areas of the Municipality has not been encouraging, even though some strides have been made over the years with the support of the Volta Region Community Water and Sanitation programme, a DANIDA funded programme.

The Rotary Club International has also come to sank a number of boreholes at Abutia and Awudome. Water and sanitation facilities provided under the DANIDA funded Volta Region Community Water and Sanitation Programme. Only 45% of the population is served with potable water and only 5% has improved latrines. These are indications that the Municipality has a serious problem with the provision of water and sanitation facilities. Total population Population covered Percentage covered Population not covered Percentage not covered.

Total No. of Household Latrine Total No. of Institutional Latrines Percentage covered Total No. of Institutional Latrines Total No. of Institutional Latrines Percentage covered.
Urban Water Supply

Water is supplied to Ho and its surrounding villages from 7 million gallons per day treatment plant at Kpeve. About 70 km distance of pipe mains is used for the distribution of water to Ho township, other towns, and villages.

Water supply in the Ho Township and surrounding has generally been good. About (2mg/d) two million gallons per day is produced and distributed. There is provision to increase the production when there is demand. Over 70% of the population in the mentioned towns and villages are covered.
Refer to tables in pdf file below.

Date Created : 11/20/2017 6:20:52 AM