1. The Municipality has a network of roads totalling some 639 km. Of this, 137.8km are primary trunk roads with bitumen surface. Through the efforts of the Central Government, the Kpeve Waterworks was inaugurated in 1992. The system has a capacity of four million gallons per day, expandable to seven million gallons per day. With the four phase programme of the Ghana Water Company (GWC), 38 communities would be supplied with potable water by the year, 2005.

  2. Under the Self-Help Electrification Programme of the Government, all 16 council areas  are now supplied electricity from the national grid. This steady source of energy makes it possible for entrepreneurs to set up industries wherever they wish in the Municipality. There are a total of 133 kindergartens in the Municipality with 9,469 children enrolled. There are 258 primary schools with a population of 36,757 pupils, and the pupil-teacher ratio is 25.8:1.

    On the other hand, there are 123 junior secondary schools, with a total population of 13,951, and since there are 792 teachers available at this level, the pupil – teacher ratio is 18.4:1. The Municipality has 14 senior secondary schools with a total enrolment of 5,424. The teaching staff is put at 313. There are also five commercial/vocational schools, one technical institute, and a teacher training college at Amedzofe.

    There is also a privately owned technical school, Asogli Technical. There are two tertiary institutions in the Municipality. These are Ho Polytechnic and Awudome Residential College of Adult Education at Tsito. There are three hospitals, two health centres, 26 health posts and three clinics in the Municipality, and are publicly or privately owned as the case may be. The three hospitals are the Ho Government Hospitals, the Ho Military Hospital and the Ho Leprosarium.

    A fourth one is almost completed but yet to commence full operation. This is the Regional Specialist/Referral Hospital. There are also privately owned health facilities, several clinics, maternity homes, pharmacies, traditional herbalists and faith healers. Telecommunication and postal services have been provided as private commercial ventures under the Divestiture Programme of Government




Date Created : 11/20/2017 6:15:57 AM