Development goals and Objectives

The development focus of the Ho Municipal Assembly for the plan period 2006 - 2009, is to improve access to economic and social services for all, as well as improve local governance in the Municipality.

Goals and Objectives

The development goals & objectives have been formulated under the three thematic areas of the Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy (GPRS II). Theme Priorities for Private Sector Competitiveness.

Development Issue:

General Low yield crops/livestock


  To increase agricultural production


  1. To provide affordable tractor services to 1000 farmers to plough 2000 acres of farmland annually.
  2. To improve soil fertility on farmland under cultivation through water and land management and fertilizer demonstration.
  3. To improve the yields of roots and tuber crops through the Root and Tuber Improvement Programme (RTIP) in the Municipality.
  4. To effectively control and contain pests and diseases on crops and livestock.
  5. To give credit facilities to 500 small-scale farmers by the end of 2009.
  6. To reduce post harvest loses from 30% to 20% by the end of 2009.
  7. To rehabilitate Ho Central, Ahoe, Kissiflui Markets by December 2009.
  8. To undertake cross-breeding of sheep and goats.

Development issue

  High Unemployment rate


To reduce unemployment rate from 11% to 8% by
December 2009.


  • To provide financial assistance to 50 viable economic groups by December 2009.
  • To attract at least two major investments to the Municipality by December 2009.
  • To partner NGOs (e.g. SNV) to give skill training to 500 unemployed youth by the end of 2009.

Development Issue

Low Yields from Tourism


To increase yields from tourism


  1. To promote tourism potentials of the Municipality
  2. Theme :   Human Resource Developments

Development Issue:

Poor BECE results in Basic Schools


   To improve BECE results in Basic Schools


  • To improve on physical infrastructure of at least 30 deprived basic schools by Dec 2009.
  • To construct at least 10 No. Teacher’s quarters for rural schools by December 2009.
  • To improve supervision in schools to make teaching and learning more effective.
  • To grant scholarship to at least 30 brilliant but needy pupils by December 2009.

Development Issue:

   Upsurge   of  Immoral   Behaviour   of  the   Youth   in   the Municipality.


To Provide Adequate Recreational facilities in the Municipality


1.    To Promote Sports in the Municipality
2.    To institute an award Scheme for sports men and women

Development Issue:

Low coverage of health services in the Municipality


To increase coverage of health services in the

Municipality Objectives:

  • To construct 6No. Nurses Quarters by the end of December 2009.
  • To construct 2 No Community Health Compound by the end of Dec. 2009.
  • To provide financial assistance for immunization programmes.

Development Issue:

High incidence of malaria



To reduce incidence of malaria in the Municipality


1.    Promote the sale of insecticide nets
2.    To promote environmental cleanliness.
3.    Provide public education on malaria.

Development Issue:

High HIV/AIDS Infection Rate
Goal:    To reduce the rate HIV/AIDS infection.


1.    To ensure that stakeholders understand the MSAHP concept.
2.    To effectively co-ordinate selected NGOs, CBOs & FBOs
3.    To get the people to change their sexual behaviour,
4.    To get the people to know their HIV/AIDs status
5.    To reduce the stigma on PLWHA’s

Development Issue: 

Inadequate Funding to Implement Water & Sanitation Programmes
Goal:To source adequate funding for water & SanitationmProgrammes


  1. To allocate more Assembly Funds to water and Sanitation programme.
  2. To source donor funds for water and sanitation programmes
  3.  To educate communities on the payment of their contribution for water and sanitation projects

Development Issue:

Indiscriminate disposal of liquid and solid waste


To promote environmental hygiene in the Communities


  • Construction of 12No public toilets and 12No public urinals
  • To increase the number of refuse containers from 30 to 60  by end of 2009.
  • To procure at least 2No. Skip loaders by December 2009.
  • Extend refuse collection and disposal services to Tsito, Anyirawase and Sokode by December 2009.
  • Phase-out pan latrines in Ho.

Development Issue:

  Haphazard Development of Structures


To Control Spatial Development


1.    To effectively monitor spatial development.
2.    To educate the general public on land use.
3.    To ensure adherence to development schemes
4.    To prepare base maps for new settlements in Ho, Sokode and   Tsito-Anyirawase
5.    To sufficiently motivate the Statutory Planning Committee

Development Issue: 

Bad Roads


To make 50km length of roads motorable and construct
10km length of new track and trails.


  1. To rehabilitate 20km length of Ho town roads
  2. To rehabilitate 30km length of Feeder Roads
  3. To construct 10km length of track and trails to farming communities

Theme III:   

Good Governance

Development Issue: 

Dormancy of Zonal Councils


To make the Zonal Councils Operational


  • To build the capacity of the core staff of the Area Councils and the Counsellors
  • To motivate the core staff of the Councils
  • To Provide basic logistics for the Councils
  • To collect data on locations of facilities in the Municipality

Development Issue: 

Low local Revenue Generations by Assembly and Zonal Councils

  To increase revenue generation by the Assembly and Zonal


  1. To compile reliable data on all Assembly revenue resources by 2007.
  2. To re-value all the properties in Ho by 2008
  3. To increase the capacity of revenue collectors to make them more effective and efficient
  4. To carry out awareness creation programme for ratepayers on their obligations to the Assembly.

Development Issue:  

Inadequate Office Space for Assembly and Decentralized Departments


To provide  adequate office space for the Assembly and
Decentralized Departments


  • To construct an office complex by December 2009

Development Programmes in Logical Framework

Goals and Objectives

The issues identified point to areas where goals and objectives have to be defined. The goals and objectives are to guide the plan formulation and help to identify programmes to be introduced to intervene in their particular situations. The goals defined in the reports are directed at major development priority issues identified. They set the framework for the directions to be followed in programming. The goals are not very specific because of their broad nature. However, if they are broken down into objectives, they become specific and quantifiable.

Development Programmes

The goals and objectives are presented in a framework, which contain the following;
-    Overall Goal
-    Objectives
-    Output Activities

The goals and objectives are analyzed according to the following:

•    Objectively verifiable indicators
•    Means of verification and
•    Important assumptions
This broad framework prepares the ground for further analysis in the Programme of Action in the next chapter.

 Monitoring  and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation of the project and programme activities of the 3 Year Development Plan would be undertaken basically by the Municipal planning Co-ordinating Unit (MPCU). Monitoring and Evaluation Reports of Projects and Programmes will be completed according to the formats provided by the National Development Planning Commission; summaries of these will be made for the Executive Committee of the Municipal Assembly, while copies of the reports will be forwarded to the Regional Coordinating Council through the Regional Planning Coordinating Unit.

Monitoring Reports

Project monitoring formally starts when the actual implementation of a project begins. However, a monitoring plan (specifying who is responsible for monitoring, at what intervals the monitoring should take place, and precisely what will be monitored) will be prepared in advance. Bar charts, graphs etc will be prepared and displayed to act as a visual reminder of the monitoring process and to indicate the progress of each project in the course of implementation.
The monitoring plan will also specify who will prepare the monitoring reports and to whom and which offices, they should be circulated. The widest possible circulation to agencies and personnel affected is essential. Public display of progress will also be done. The Monitoring Report will be presented according to the following format:


Date Created : 11/20/2017 6:03:52 AM