There are a number of other institutions which work in collaboration with the Assembly towards the development of the Municipality.  They include public institutions, traditional authorities and non-governmental organisations. Some of the public institutions include the Northern Electricity Department, National Commission on Civic Education (NCCE), Ghana Telecommunication, Ghana Water Company Limited, National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO), and Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ).

The Multi-lateral and non-governmental organisations operating in the Municipality include the Community-Based Rural Development Project (CBRDPO), German Technical Co-operation (GTZ), Dormaa Traditional Healing Centre, Dormaa Traditional Healing and Birth Attendants, Redemption Care International and Hwe Wo Ho So Yie.

14.  NGOs and Areas of Intervention in the Dormaa Central Municipal


Name of Organisation

Area(s) of Intervention


Dormaa Traditional Healing Centre

Health, Agro-Processing


Dormaa Traditional Healing and Birth Attendants

Health, Nutrition, Agro-processing


Redemption Care International

Health, Micro-Finance, Market Linkages


Hwe Wo Ho So Yie

Health, Advocacy

Source:  DPCU, DDA, 2006

Presently, collaboration between the Municipal Assembly and the NGOs has not been effective.  For instance, the District Assembly does not have the records of how much funds is spent on projects by NGOs in the District. To ensure efficiency in resource allocation for the Municipal development, the Assembly would have to effectively co-ordinate or keep track of whatever interventions that are implemented by these partners.



Date Created : 11/16/2017 2:05:02 AM