Goals and objective


The Analysis of the Dormaa Central Municipal problem has led to the identification of numerous problems which accounted for the low level of development in the district. This informed the formulation of development goals and objectives which is expected to be achieved by the end of the Medium Term Development Plan (2006 - 2009).

These goals and objectives have been set in conformity with the three thematic areas of Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy (GPRS II).  Further, specific strategies have been identified and are expected to be used to achieve the objectives leading to the attainment of the ultimate goals. The implementation of the proposed projects and programmes would yield the desired effect of an improved standard of living in the Municipality by 2009.


Implementation plan

The Municipal development plan has been formulated for projects whose implementation will result in the achievement of the Municipal overall goal for the Medium-Term (2006 – 2009) Development Plan – to improve the living standard of the people through effective and efficient social service delivery the development projects and programmes have been phased out annually within the four-year period under the three thematic areas of the GPRS II – Human Resource Development, Private Sector Development and Competitiveness and Good Governance and Civic Responsibilities




Date Created : 11/16/2017 1:25:53 AM