
Agriculture for many years has been the mainstay of the economy of the country and contributed more than 22.7 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) (GSS, 2012). The economy of the Nadowli-Kaleo is mainly agrarian, with the people engaged in the cultivation of food crops (grains such as millet, sorghum and maize; roots and tubers, particularly yams and legumes, including groundnuts and beans). Households in the district are also actively engaged in rearing livestock, including cattle and ruminants.

Households in Agriculture

Table 7.1 shows that agriculture is the main source of livelihood for the people in the district. Households engaged in agricultural activities are 8,328 representing 81.9 percent. The majority of households 95.0 percent in the rural areas are engage in crop farming and the district had no urban communities as at 2010 PHC.

Types of Farming Activities

Figure 7.1 shows that crop farming and livestock rearing are the most dominant agricultural activities in the district with fish farming been the least. However, only 2.3 percent of household in agriculture are into tree planting, while only 0.1 percent are into fish farming.

Types of livestock and other animals reared

Livestock rearing is the second most important agricultural activity in the District. Animals are reared to supplement the protein needs as well as secondary source of income to households. The 2010 PHC collected data on livestock rearing from household. Table 7.2 presents distribution of livestock, other animals and keepers. The table shows that livestock rearing is common in the Nadowli-Kaleo District. A total of 10,092 households keep 144,675 animals giving an average of 14 animals per household. Among the ruminants, the top three are cattle (7,225), goats (40,795) and sheep (15,343).

In the livestock category, there are 61,239 chicken (42.0%), 8,011 guinea fowls (6.0%), 1,141 doves (1.0%) and 1,337 ducks (1.0%). Among the other livestock (non-traditional livestock), reported rabbits were 341. Fish farming is not popular in the Nadowli-Kaleo District as there is no household engaged in fishing.

In terms of average animal per keeper, Dove, fishing, Grass-cutter and Rabbit had the larger average of animals per keeper, compared to other livestock. Dove keepers are at an average of 33. Fish keepers followed with an average of 23 and lowest being snails and fish farming in the district.



Date Created : 4/11/2018 5:26:53 AM