Development Goals
Development Focus, Goals, Objectives, And Strategies

Development Focus

To ensure that all people in the Yilo Krobo Municipal have access to basic social services (health care, quality education, potable water, good sanitation etc), job opportunities, information and opportunity to participate in taking decisions that affect their own lives

Development Goal
Overall Goal:

The overall goal is to improve the standard of living of the people in Yilo Krobo 


Priorities for Private Sector Development

1.  Improve the revenue base of the  Assembly
2.  To increase income levels of people  Human Resource Development
3.   To increase literacy level in the municipality
6.   To create opportunities for youth development 
7.   To reduce the incidence of diseases 
6.   To integrate the vulnerable and excluded into the society

     Good Governance and Civic Responsibility
8.  To improve Governance 

Priorities for Private Sector Development

  •  Increase internally generated revenue  by 20% by 2009
  • Increase external sources of revenue from ¢1.8b to ¢11.1b by 2009
  • Increase agricultural production  by 5% by 2009
  • Increase activities in the industrial sector
  • Increased access to market for agricultural and industrial products
  • Improve infrastructure facilities at 2 major tourist attraction centres in the district by 2009
  • Reduce the rate of unemployment by 40% by 2009
  • Reduce access to environmentally unfriendly source of energy for cooking by 15% by 2009

Human Resource Development 

  1. Increase enrolment and participation in basic schools by 5% by 2009
  2. Increase SSS participation rate by 6% by 2009
  3. Improve the performance of school children by 10% by 2009
  4. Increase opportunities for youth development in the district by 2009
  5. Improve sporting facilities in 20 basic schools by 2009
  6. Increase access to quality health care services
  7. Increase access to safe solid waste management  by 10% by 2009
  8. Increase access to household latrine by 3.2% by 2009
  9. Increase household access to potable water in  by 20% by 2009
  10. To develop systems that enforce rights and protection of especially street children,  women, physically challenged etc
  11. To increase support for the vulnerable and excluded

Good Governance and Civic Responsibility

  • Increase access to official information by the public and the private sector
  • To strengthen the capacity of the public institutions
  • To reduce the rate of indiscipline in the  municipality

Priorities for Private Sector Development

  1. Conduct educational campaign on the need to pay tax
  2. Train Revenue Collectors through workshops and seminars
  3. Implement revaluation list 
  4. Intensify supervision of revenue collection
  5. Identification of potential revenue sources
  6. Involve District Sub-structures in revenue mobilization
  7. Lobby extensively and intensively for NGO, Donor support and government grants
  8. Construction of 20 wells for irrigation
  9. Train farmers in the use of appropriate storage facilities, post harvest handling and proper harvesting methods.
  10. Provision of storage and small agro- processing facilities
  11. Provide incentives to extension service workers
  12. Promote environmentally sustainable cropping practices
  13. Control local animal diseases
  14. Conduct training in fish farming
  15. Provide credit facilities to farmers
  16. Conduct managerial and entrepreneurial training for small scale industrialist
  17. Create an information base to assist firms with information on new technologies, materials and production techniques
  18. Provide credit facilities to small scale entrepreneurs
  19. Encourage farmers and small scale industrialist to form co-operatives
  20. Disseminate market information to farmers and small-scale industrialists.
  21. Construct and maintain 160km feeder roads
  22. Organize agricultural and industrial fairs
  23. Rehabilitation of markets
  24. Provide Utility infrastructure (electricity, water, telephone facilities) at 2 major

Tourist attraction centres

  • Construct Hotel and Restaurant facilities at Boti Falls
  • Embark on reforestation exercise along ponpon river upstream
  • Improve access road to Umbrella Rock and Krobo Mountains
  • Provide skills development training to unemployed 
  • Create land banks
  • Provide credit facilities to the unemployed
  • Promote irrigated vegetable cultivation, cultivation of sugar cane and cassava, the rearing of glasscutter and rabbits, beekeeping and fish farming.

Human Resource Development 

  1. Conduct public educational campaign on low enrolment especially in the rural areas
  2. Provide scholarship to needy children
  3. Provide teaching and learning materials to schools
  4. Institute sanctions for non-performing teachers
  5. Construct and rehabilitate school Infrastructure
  6. Provide accommodation for teachers
  7. Provide Incentives for teachers
  8. Intensify supervision in schools
  9. Provide support for timely and regular performance monitoring test
  10. Rotate and redeploy teachers to remote areas
  11.  Provide sponsorship to teacher trainees
  12. Support the traditional apprenticeship system
  13. Promote entrepreneurship among the youth
  14. Provide youth development training for 500 youth
  15. Provision of basic sporting facilities and equipment to 20 basic schools
  16.  Promote the establishment of keep-fit clubs
  17. Organize sporting competition for schools 
  18. Provide support for people living with HIV/AIDS
  19. Construct HIVAIDS counseling and voluntary testing centres
  20. Promote the establishment of Community Based Insurance Schemes
  21. Construct a  hospital and clinics
  22. Facilitate the recruitment of health personnel 
  23. Train women in local food weaning production
  24. Conduct public education on malaria control
  25. Intensify campaign on immunization programmes
  26. Train 100 traditional birth attendants
  27. Strengthen Response Initiative and AIDS Committee
  28. Conduct peer counseling, school health education and moral education programmes
  29. Distribute and promote the use of female and male condoms through CBOs, extension service workers, community health nurses, unit committee, etc.
  30. Conduct educational campaign on safe sanitation practices
  31. Promote and support the construction of 600 household toilets
  32. Construct 3 public toilets and 20 institutional latrines
  33. Convert 4 public pan latrines into cesspit tank latrine in collaboration with private sector
  34. Provide and place 70 refuse containers at designated points
  35. Embark on house to house refuse collection at selected areas in Somanya
  36. Enact sanitation bye-laws to ensure proper management of household level liquid waste
  37. Enforce laws on the provision of sanitation facilities and other infrastructure by developers
  38. Construct 60 boreholes
  39. Rehabilitate30 hand dug wells
  40. Rehabilitate Somanya Pipe system 
  41. Co-ordinate the activities of all water providers
  42. Sensitize communities to participate in the provision and maintenance of potable water facilities
  43. Provide support to the  Department of Social Welfare to implement its advocacy programmes against child labour, battery, rape, defilement and child neglect
  44. Provide credit support to the Physically Challenged and women to enable them undertake income generation activities
  45. Provide alternative education for out of school Children

  Monitoring And Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

All planning efforts should be result-oriented, and must be aimed at improving the well being of the population. Monitoring and Evaluation is a means through which the success of plans are ensured and measured. 

The monitoring plan provides a framework for management to obtain relevant information that can be used to access progress of implementation of each of the projects and to take timely decisions to ensure that progress is maintained according to schedule.

The evaluation plan on the other hand would enable management to determine most especially, whether the expected impacts of implemented programmes and projects are being achieved.

The overall responsibility of monitoring and evaluation of programmes and projects in the 4-Year Medium Term Development Plan lies with the Municipal Planning and Co-ordination Unit (MPCU). Various units and departments have been assigned specific monitoring and evaluation responsibilities; the MPCU must coordinate all these responsibilities. 

It is expected that the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) and the Regional Planning and Co-ordinating Unit (RPCU) would carry out general overview of all monitoring and evaluation activities in the Municipality.


Date Created : 11/28/2017 1:23:13 AM