Kwabre East Municipal even though is very close to Kumasi, the standard of living for about 70% of its people is within the poverty zone. Farming covers about 41% of the productivity ratio, Kente weaving 9%, trading 15% and wood carving about 1%, Sand and Stone winning about 5%.



Farming which constitutes about 41% of the productivity is undertaken by about 35,000 of the populace.  Major food crops produced are maize, cassava, plantain, tomatoes, okro, pepper, garden eggs.  These products are sold on the local markets and the greater part sold in Kumasi.


Farmers have the arduous task to solicit for financial assistance because of the terms of repayment by the financial institutions.  Consequently farmers do not have access to credit and could not embark on commercial farming.

There is the need to encourage these peasant farmers to embrace scientific methods of farming to increase their yield as their lands for farming are becoming smaller and smaller. All farmers needs to be indentified for extensive extension services.

Farmers have low incomes and therefore cannot adequately support their children in school.



Many of the youth in the District still remain unemployed as there are little or no direct job opportunities for the young graduates from the senior high and the tertiary institutions.



Kente and Adinkra weaving industry which are an important tourist attraction in Ghana takes about 9% of the labour force of the in the District.  About 10,000 people are involved in this industry; either directly or indirectly. A number of youth are also learning this trade. The Kente and Adinkra weavers are also faced with serious financial constraints. Similarly, about 5% are engaged in the sand and stone industry and operate under strenuous condition.  Due to lack of financial support, they continue to use archaic tools and methods in their jobs.

The poverty situation of the people has compelled children to engage in some commercial activities such as iced- water selling, kente and Adinkra production, wood carving, driver’s mates and others move to Kumasi to do some hawking.

Some communities are prone to erosion and flooding and therefore drains, culvers and foot bridges need to be provided to mitigate the situation when it occurs. Relief items also have to be provided to reduce the impact of any disaster.



The general awareness on HIV and AIDS in the district is high. It is difficult to ascertain the incidence of HIV and AIDS in the district. However data available on reported cases is indicated in table 27 below.

The first case of AIDS in the Kwabre East Municipal was diagnosed in 1990 and by the end of 2009 an estimated number of 362 people were HIV positive.  The number of reported cases of HIV and AIDS between 2006 and 2013 is indicated in table 27. The increase in the number of HIV and AIDS cases calls for more aggressive strategies to combat the menace. The District recognizes the fact that HIV and AIDS is a developmental issue and requires multi sectoral and multi disciplinary approaches for solutions to be effective.  Effective structures, systems and processes need to be put in place to prevent the spread of the disease and support the infected and the affected people in the District.


Available record indicates that 362 PLWHS are in the District.  These PLWHS receive care and support from two (2) NGO’s currently operating in the District.  However, 170 orphans have been registered with the Mutual Health Insurance free of charge.


 The District, through its District Response Management Team (DRMT), has been embarking on a number of activities to minimize the impact of HIV and AIDS on the people in the district. Some Non-Governmental Organisations are also supported by Ghana AIDS Commission to embark on similar activities including counseling and testing.



A sizable number of the population is people with disabilities.  The number of physically challenged persons registered in the District totaled 252. Out of this, 70 have been registered to benefit from Mutual Health Insurance Scheme. An office has been provided for the physically challenged association in the District at Mamponteng.

There is the need for proper identification of these people so that we target them with specific interventions.



1. Inadequate extension services for our peasant farmers

2. Lack of data on farmers

3. Poor income of farmers

4. Inadequate support for school children

5. Inadequate support for HIV and AIDS activities

6. Youth unemployment

7. Lack of data on people with disabilities

8. Inadequate drains and culverts in erosion and flood-prone areas.


Date Created : 11/18/2017 5:35:39 AM