Programme of Action

The last section focuses on formulation of objectives and strategies for implementation in the SWD. As indicated in the prioritization of issues, the projects have been influenced by the GPRSB and the needs and aspiration of the local people. Following this, this section develops the appropriate framework for the implementation of the projects in the plan. Specifically, it deals with planning of the projects. This was guided by technical, economic and other considerations.


They include the following

  • The critical needs of the local people
  • Responsiveness of the projects to development problems of the district
  • Availability of funds to ensure full implementation of projects
  • Ability of project to serve as a spring board for implementation of subsequent projects
  • Projects that are already on-going

Development Focus

National Development Focus

The new development framework of the Government of Ghana, the Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy, (GPRS II), builds on the achievements made and lessons learnt from GPRS I. The GPRS II aims to achieve accelerated and sustained shared growth, poverty reduction, promotion of gender equity, protection and empowerment of the vulnerable and excluded within a decentralized democratic environment.

In support of this goal, the GPRS II aims to achieve the following:
• Continued macroeconomic stability
• Accelerated private sector-led growth
• Vigorous human resource development
• Good governance and civic responsibility

















Date Created : 11/17/2017 3:54:07 AM