Sissala West DCE exiled, life under threat

Mr Moses Dramani Luri, Sissala West District Chief Executive (DCE), has been exiled, while his life is under a serious threat.

Date Created : 11/19/2014 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : GNA

Mr Luri is now currently performing his official duties outside the district, because he has, since October 23, been unlawfully denied access to his office by some unscrupulous youth who call themselves concerned youth of the district.


On October 27, the DCE was nearly lynched by such gangsters, when he sneaked into the district and attempted to go to his office to perform official duties.


The timely intervention of the police spared him his life, but his official vehicle was seized on that occasion by the rampaging youth, Ghana News Agency investigations have revealed. The Regional Security Council, upon getting to know about the issue, quickly held a meeting in the district, after which the DCEs vehicle was returned to him in Tumu, including the issuance of a verbal warning to the youth.


That, however, did not deter them from holding on to their diabolic agenda of exiling the DCE in order to achieve their interest.


GNA also found out that those hooligans led by Shaibu Moro, had been going round Gwollu town wielding cudgels and openly pronouncing that, he and his group had ousted the DCE, and that if he dared set his feet in Gwollu, he would found dead.


The actions of the gangsters are believed by many people in and outside the district to have some form of strong political backing; a situation that was making it difficult for the police to take swift actions against such lawless youth.


Mr. Ali Guguo, the Sissala West Constituency Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) said the whole thing started as a demonstration and later turned into a life threatening business.


Even we the party executives, our lives are equally in danger by the actions of the so called concern youth. We have therefore resolved to hold our meetings outside the district to avoid attacks, he stated.


This is just a parochial, selfish and self-centered profiteering group of youth who are trying to make the district uncontrollable and ungovernable, he said.


Our party Chairman, Dr. Kwabena Adjei came to the region and wanted to meet us in Gwollu on Monday but because of the security situation we rather suggested meeting him in Tumu, he added.


Mr. Guguo noted that the party and its leadership in the constituency had excellent relationship with the DCE and that it was regrettable for such group of youth to rise up with such indiscipline behavior as though they sworn an oath to cause the dismissal of the DCE through unjustifiable hooliganism.


Meanwhile the issue has become a source of worry for eminent Traditional rulers in the district.


Kuoro Limann Kuri Buktie, Paramount Chief of the Gwollu Traditional Area, said he was outside the district when he heard about the disturbances and quickly had to run back to the district to talk to them.


They told me they sent a copy of their petition to the President and I advised them to let sanity prevail while they wait for the Presidents response, he explained.


He said nobody owns Gwollu and so have no right whatsoever to prevent anybody from either coming in or going out of the district.


Kuoro Buktie appealed to the NDC party hierarchy both in the constituency and the region to resolve whatever differences that was causing such actions to bring about peace and tranquility in the district.


The Paramount Chief said the police have the duty to enforce law and order in the district and urged them not to allow anybody to take the law into his or her own hands no matter the circumstance.


Kuoro Bukari Abudu, the Chief of Lipilime condemned the actions of the youth, adding that making the district capital insecure for the DCE to stay and perform his duties was a heinous crime and called for swift action to address the issue.


He noted that Traditional authorities were not politicians but where political issues become a source of threat to the peaceful co-existence of the people then it becomes a matter of concern for all.


Kuoro Barecheh Nlowie Baninye II, Acting President of the Buwa Traditional Council and the Divisional Chief of Niator appealed to politicians to discard their individual interest and allow the young district to grow and become a better place for ordinary citizens.


He said the DCE have cordial relationship with Traditional authority in the district which was good for fostering development.


Kuoro Issifu Kazia, the Chief of Silbelle said the district was too young to be divided along political lines or any other line and called on all especially political actors in the district and the region to commit the political will into resolving the issue for the DCE to return to office to perform his official duties.


Meanwhile, the Police Command in the region is doing its best to control the security situation. The command has also provided the DCE personal security outside the district.


GNA learnt that the Sissala West District Assembly under the DCE scored 97 percent in the recent Functional Organizational Assessment Tools (FOAT), the highest score in the whole region; raking in more money from the District Development Fund (DDF) to the Assembly.


The GNA also gathered that the DCE supervised the elimination of many schools under trees, connection of electricity to all communities in he district and increase in the Assemblys sponsorship package for students.


Others are increase in number of schools enrolled unto the school feeding programme, potable water coverage as well as exceeding revenue targets set by the Assembly among other impressive performances.


The GNA established that the Sissala West District Assembly came out clean without any audit queries when it appeared before the Public ccounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament sitting in Tamale.


Meanwhile, at the time of filing this report, REGSEC is meeting all stakeholders in the district minus the DCE to attempt to find lasting solutions towards restoring peace and tranquility in the area.

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