
This chapter provides information on the Nadowli-Kaleo District. It captures issues such as the physical features, economy of the district as well as the socio-cultural structure of the district. The census methodology, definition of key concepts as well as the organization of the report are also presented in this chapter.

The Nadowli-Kaleo District was carved out of the then Nadowli District in June, 2012 under Legislative Instrument (L.I) 2101 with Nadowli as its capital. The Assembly is empowered as the highest political and administrative body in the District charged with the responsibility of facilitating the implementation of national policies. Under section 10 of the Local Government Act 1993 (Act 462), the Assembly exercises deliberative, legislative and executive functions in the District. By this act, the Assembly is responsible for the overall development of the District through the preparation of development plans and budgets and other development initiatives.

The Nadowli-Kaleo District is centrally located in the Upper West region of Ghana. It lies between latitude 100 201 and 110 301 north and longitude 31 101 and 21101 west. It is bordered to the south by Wa Municipal, west by Burkina Faso, north by Jirapa and Lambussie-Karni Districts and to the east by the Daffiama-Bussie-Issa District. The Nadowli-Kaleo District, with a territorial size of 1,132.02 km2 extends from the Billi Bridge (4km from WA) to the Dapuori Bridge (almost 12km from Jirapa) on the main Wa-Jirapa-Hamile road. From west to east, it extends from the Black Volta to Daffiama.


Date Created : 4/11/2018 4:09:34 AM