Relevant Data

Location and Size

Agotime-Ziope District is bordered by the Republic of Togo to the East; Akatsi North and Central Tongu Districts to the South and the Adaklu District to the West and North. The District covers a total land area of about Six Hundred and Thirty-Seven kilometres square (637km2).


The District has a mean monthly temperature ranging between 22°C and 32°C in the rainy season. However, average temperature during the dry season is 37°C. Rainfall pattern in the District is characterised by two rainy seasons commonly referred to as the major and minor seasons. The major season starts from Mid-March to July while the minor from August to November. The dry season, which is dominated by the dry harmattan winds, extends from December to February in the district. The mean annual rainfall of the District ranges between 20.1mm and 192mm. The highest rainfall occurs in June and has mean value of 192mm while the lowest rainfall is in December recording a value of 20.1mm.


The major vegetation cover in the District is savannah woodland. However, few areas along river banks of Tordzie, and Awator have semi-deciduous forest. There are also strands of borassius spicies (Agorti) used for construction works. The borassius palm serves as economic tree for most people.


There are three major soil groups in the district.
Forest soil - Forest ochrosols,  lethosols and  intergrades.
Savannah soil - Heavy clay soil found in Ziope and Kpetoe
Stony soil found in some parts of Kpetoe.

River Todze eventually flows into Avu Lagoon. Other rivers include Kplikpa, Afortsihlui and Dzokple at Ziope. Tsilale at Kpetoe and Wlowlo at Afegame. None of these rivers is perennial. During the dry season, the water levels reduce and some dry up completely. The rivers do not therefore provide all year round dependable sources of water supply to the communities they serve. They are by no means capable of supporting irrigation.


Date Created : 11/29/2017 1:54:40 AM