
Location & Size:

The Municipal is bounded on the south by the Atlantic Ocean (Gulf of Guinea), the east by the Cape Coast Municipality, the north by the Twifo Hemang - Lower Denkyira District and the west by the Mpohor - Wassa East District.

Perched between longitude 1° 20° West and 1° 40

Topology & Drainage

The landscape  is generally undulating, dominated by batholiths. Along the coastal zone is a series of lagoons and wetlands which include the Benya, Brenu, Susu, Abrobi and Ankwanda.The slopes and hills are steep in inland areas. In between the hills are valleys with various streams which drain into the coastal lagoons and the Atlantic Ocean. These streams include the Iture and Ante in the west and the Udu and Suruwi in the east.

Climate & Vegetation

The vegetation varies according to the rainfall pattern. There is the coastal scrub and grassland type with scattered trees trading into the coastal savannah forest with a variety of timber species of economic value.The coast itself is mainly characterised by mangrove and palm fronds. The assembly is generally humid with the 30 kilometre coastline forming part of the littoral anomalous zone of Ghana and experiencing less rainfall than the interior.


Geology & Soil

Mainly the Birimanian rock type consisting of schist and granites as well as pegmatite underlies a large proportion. On the slopes of the hills, the overburden soils are sandy clayey soils while the valleys have gravely sandy colluvium.

Date Created : 11/21/2017 2:59:22 AM