Benkadi Kurubi Festival at Kintampo North

The Council of Wangara Chiefs under His Royal Highness Sariki Nana Fanyinama lll, in held this year’s Bankadi Kurubi Festival under the theme, “Promoting Domestic tourism and fostering national cohesion through Festivals

Date Created : 11/30/2021 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Rufina Yuoni

In an interview with Sariki Fanyinama reviled that; “ the main reason for celebrating Bankadi Kurubi festival is to giving thanks to God and for reflection and stock taking, seizing the opportunity to set new developmental agendas”. He said.

A colorful debar which take place at the Kintampo Municipal Presbyterian School Park saw Wangaras from every part of Ghana. In an address read by, the 1st Vice Chairman of Council of Wangaras, Alhaji Baba Isaah acknowledge all guests.

He spoke with reference to improving of the Kintampo tourism sides for the development of the Municipality especially fuller falls which needs rehabilitation for tourism attraction in the Municipality.

Baba added that, this year’s festival will focus on education a major priority. Four brilliant and hardworking Wangara students were duly identified and given scholarship/ bursary. Alhaji Baba did not relent to talk about peace in the Kintampo Municipality “for it is peace which beings development to a community”.

Baba Isaah concluded by appealing to Mr. Ben Abdallah, the president Coordinator for Zongo and Inner City Development to support the Council of wangara chiefs with a means of transport to facilitate work and to complete their office accommodation for the council here in Kintampo.

Delivering his address Mr. Mark Okraku Mantey Deputy Tourism Minister promised to relay all the request made by Nana to the Minster, he congratulated Sariki Fanyinama for his good well by organizing this very important festival since 1999 to date. He edge the people of Kintampo to stay united and peaceful to bring development to the area and the Municipality at large.

The Municipal Chief Executive for Kintampo North Mr. Isaac Baffoe Ameyaw was very grateful and overwhelmed with the number of Wangara communities across the length and breadth of Ghana to gather here in Kintampo to display their wonderful culture.

Mr. Baffoe added “Kintampo is a town with diversity of tribes and in such we here have a lot of culture to show to the word” he then appeal to all tribes in the Municipality come on board to annually showcasing their culture to advocate our culture for tourism”.

Good well massages were also given by President Coordinator for Zongo and Inner City Development Mr. Ben Abduallah and Abu Jinapor Minster for Lands and Natural Resources.