Adansi North Cocoa Farmers’ Co-operative Union Inaugurated

Co-operative farmer groups in the Adansi North have come together to form a cooperative union to mobilise themselves and fight for their common good.

Date Created : 9/18/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author :

The District Coordinating Director, Mr. Okrah Thomas Kwame applauded the decision of the groups to form a union as he admits, the District Assembly does not recognise them as farmers in the District and so would be difficult for the Assembly to support them with grants or any form of assistance.

He said, the Assembly would capture the union in its Medium Term Development Plan and give any assistance within the capacity of the Assembly to support them.

Mr. Kodwo Afoakwah who was elected as the union President, thanked the District Assembly’s Management and acknowledged that the cocoa farmers’ co-operative unions struggle before getting assistance from their Cocoa Disticts as the cocoa farm lands demarcation has captured some of the farmers in the Bekwai, Asiwa and Obuasi Districts and this does not allow them easy access to the authorities for vital information and assistance.

He added that, the cocoa farmers groups have taken steps to making the Adansi North District, a Cocoa Sub District until they are able to meet requirements to become a Cocoa District.

Some of the farmers at the meeting asked the Management of the District Assembly to liaise with Cocoa Board on the re-demarcation of their cocoa lands and capture them under the Adansi North District to make them more organised.

The union elected a five member executive to lead the union for a period of two (2) years.