Suaman DCE to deal with cocoa smugglers

The District Chief Executive (DCE) of Suaman in the Western North Region, Philip Kwabena Boahen, has cautioned cocoa farmers in the area to remain disciplined and refrain from smuggling cocoa beans to neighboring Cote d’Ivoire.

Date Created : 12/12/2022 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Appiah-Kubi/

According to him, some cocoa farmers in the area are still smuggling cocoa beans to neighboring Cote d’Ivoire even though the government has significantly increased prices of cocoa for the 2022/2023 crop season.

He noted that the government has put in place adequate measures to abate unemployment amongst the youth through agricultural initiatives in the district.

He added that initiatives such as weeding gangs, plantain nursery projects, cocoa rehabilitation, amongst other jobs have been set up for the youth as part of measures to avert smuggling among the youth.

He warned, "Anyone caught in the act of smuggling cocoa would be termed as economic saboteur and would be made to face the full rigor of the law".

The District Chief Executive announced that there have been several appeals to the western north COCOBOD directorate but their efforts have since proven futile.

He therefore advised the Chiefs, opinion leaders, customs and immigration services living along the district's borders to arrest and report on issues of smuggling in the area.