Investment Potentials

West Akim Municipal is sufficiently endowed to attract investment to tap its considerable resources. The Assembly has a five year Medium term Development Plan, covering the period 1996 to 2000. The Plan contains strategies that seek to create an enabling environment that attracts both public and private sector investment.

These strategies, which are being aggressively pursued by the  Assembly, are in line with the goals of the Ghana National Development Policy Framework (NDPF) and Ghana – Vision 2020. Consequently, the Assembly welcomes investment in several sectors and actively provides support and assistance for such investors. One such sector is mining and quarrying.

There are large tracts of diamond and gold rich lands that have not yet been acquired by concessionaries. In addition, there are only two block-molding companies located at Asamankese and a few small-scale building contractors scattered across .There are also very large collections of fine sand and stones, which could be used to promote real estate development programmes.

The housing policy of the West Akim Municipal Assembly is to provide adequate and affordable housing with infrastructural facilities to satisfy the needs of the people. The growing population of workers offers potential for impressive economic returns on any investment in the housing industry. Agriculture is the major economic activity in the district.

The fertile soil and favorable climatic conditions give a distinct comparative advantage over most other assembly’s in the country, for the cultivation of oil palm, citrus, sunflower, cocoyam, vegetables, maize and yam. Opportunities therefore exist for private sector investments in this sector. In this regard, the Assembly is ready to assist investors acquire land for this purpose.

Animal husbandry is also practiced on a small-scale and there are lots of potential for larger, commercial ventures in this area. Education plays a very significant role in the socio-economic development policy of West Akim Municipal. The growing population of youths in the district offers strong potential for economic returns on any investment in the education sector, whether it be at the basic, senior or vocational levels.


Date Created : 11/28/2017 12:06:02 AM