
Major sources of household energy  are firewood, charcoal, kerosene and electricity.


About 273km of roads, and 3.6km railway line which is located at the southern part of the district, from Kumikroom on the border with Birim South through Krodua to Danso, bordering Ga District. The road network falls under three categories Highway (primary trunk road) which is 73km and is tarred, the secondary trunk road covering 20.0km which are also tarred, and untarred feeder roads covering 180km lacks maintenance.

Postal Services

It has three (3) Post Offices at Asamankese, Adeiso and Mepom and five (5) Postal Agencies at Asuokaw, Osenase, Pabi, Ekoso and Krodua. The distribution of this facility is mostly in the lower part .


Each settlement has a form of water supply system, the predominant being borehole and well. Most households use a combination of Water Supply systems because of periodic water shortage.


Telecommunication is only limited to Asamankese, Adeiso and Osenase. There are many private communication centres. There are communication devices  in Asamankese Police Station, the  Assembly, Electricity Company of Ghana and  Education Service. Ghana Telecom has acquired land and is constructing an Exchange Centre at Asamankese to increase the number of  lines. GSM mobile services include OneTouch (functioning), Buzz (opening soon) and Spacefon (getting ready to erect its mast).


Market infrastructure comprising the physical space, the stores, stalls, storage, sheds, delivery bays and access roads form an important component of development of rural economy. Markets generate revenue to the District Assembly in the form of tolls, taxes, licenses and permits.

In West Akim Municipal, markets are organized on both daily and periodic basis. The main markets are at Asamankese, Adeiso, Osenase, Akanteng and Abamkrom. The daily markets are Asamankese, Mepom, Adeiso, Topease, Osenase, Abamkrom, Bunso, Krodua, Brekumanso, Kumikrom, Oworarn,..,Ekoso, Awaharn, Asikasu, Okurase, Akanteng, Esaso Kwaabaah, Ekoso and Kwashie. Bi-weekly markets which operate on Mondays and Thursdays are at Asamankese,
Adeiso, Meporn and Abamkrom. At Pabi the bi-weekly market operates on Tuesdays and Fridays and at Osenase, the market operates on Sundays, while that of Akanteng operates on Sundays and Wednesday.

Asamankese Market

Asamankese, being the capital, is the centre of most economic and commercial activities. Asamankese has two markets. The main market with stores, stalls, and sheds and covers an area of about 625,000sq.ft. is located at the Central Business.

(CBD) and the other at the traditional durbar ground is about 30,000sq.ft. Market days for both markets are Mondays andThursdays. Both foodstuffs from all over the hinter-land and beyond manufactured goods like textiles, plastic wares, and clothing are traded. The Asamankese market has a very wide sphere of influence with most of the manufactured goods brought from Accra, Tema, Takoradi and Kumasi. Yams are from Tamale, salt from Ada and marine fish from Apam.

Problems in the Markets Problems in the markets include:
1.    Insanitary conditions and unorganized refuse disposal system
2.    Inadequate parking and trading space
3.    Congested walkways
4.    Insecurity

Commodity Flows

The development of the  necessitates, the exchange of goods between the urban areas on the one hand and rural areas- on the other. There is also the need for the exchange of goods between the assembly and others in the country. This exchange takes place mainly at the markets and findings of surveys on markets.

Commodity Flows




Vegetables and FoodStuffs, Groundnuts, millet

WithinAccra, Tamale,outside district Tamale



Techiman, Apam,Winneba

Within district

Manufactured Goods e.gCloth, plastic wares, wines, building materials

Accra, Takoradi,Lome (Togo)

Within district

    Source: Field Work, 2006

Endogenous Inflows to Asamankese and Adeiso

This refers to the flow of commodities from within the district to the Asamankese and Adeiso markets. Our study revealed that on, a typical market day, foodstuffs - cassava, maize Vegetables oils, gari. cane baskets and earthen ware products. Flow into the market from within the district. The bulk of these commodities originate from the Northern and Western portion of the district.

Exogenous Inflows to Asamankese/Adeiso

Exogenous inflows refer to the flow of goods to Asamankese and Adeiso markets from outside the district. Exogenous inflow of capital goods, mainly manufactured goods i.e. second hand clothing, plastic wears, building, materials, wines and spirits and agricultural goods enter the markets.

The principal sources of exogenous inflow of commodities to Asamankese and Adeiso markets are from Accra, Tema, Takoradi, Nsawam; and Lome -Togo.  Agricultural produce like fish, vegetables - enter the district from Winneba, Apam and Techiman.

Endogenous Outflows from Asamankese /Adeiso

This refers to the flow of commodities from Asamankese and Adeiso markets to destinations which are within the district. For capital goods, nothing leaves the district. The principal destinations of endogenous outflows are Akanteng, Osenase, Mepom, Danso, Oworam and Asikasu.

Exogenous Outflows from Asamankese/Adeiso

This refers to outflow of foodstuffs leaving West Akim District. The principal destinations are Tamale, Takoradi, Winneba, Accra, Tema and Lome.


Date Created : 11/27/2017 8:07:53 AM