The Administration and staff, decentralized departments, the Assembly in deliberative, legislative and executive roles, Assembly persons and their electorates, sub-district administrations and unit committees etc.)
Decentralized Departments
Mfantseman municipal has its fair share of Decentralized Departments and staff poised for implementation of its development lift off. The Departments are:
Ghana Education Service-
Agricultural Development Unit
Health Management Team
Information Services Department-
Department of Social Welfare -
Department of Community Development -
Town and Country Planning Department-
Public Works department-
Statistical Service -
Births and Death Registry -
Controller and Accountant Generals Department -
Fire Service Department -
The sub-committees in place are: Education, Social Services, Agriculture, Finance & Administration, Works, and Economic Development. Members of Parliament: There are two members of Parliament (Mfantseman West and Mfantseman East).
Demands and Aspirations of Decentralised Departments
Mission Statement
The Ministry of exists to promote sustainable agriculture and agric business through effective extension and other support services to farmers, processors and traders for improved human livelihood.
a) inadequate funds for planned activities
b) Inadequate staff to cover all operational areas
c) No duty post for senior staff
d) lack of office equipments, computers, telephone and type writers
e) Dysfunctional pipe-borne system
1) To ensure the dissemination and adoption of improved methods of production to increase and diversity agricultural production by 50% in environmentally sustainable manner in all 14 operational areas in the Municipality annually.
2) To ensure 100% availability of reliable and relevant agricultural data and information for planning and other purposes annually.
3)To strengthen the technical, managerial, and in situational capacity of MADU and 35 MADU staff to deliver effective and efficient a agricultural services to it’s clients by 31st December each year
4.To facilitate 140 farmers,14 Agro-processors and 7 FBOs to get access to credit and market to enhance production and proceing annually.
5. Establish, strengthen and maintain effective communication within MADU and improve collaboration with 80% of stakeholders annually.
6. To promote the production and value addition of oil palm, Pineapple, cashew and citrus by 50% annually.
1. Train MADU staff on good Agricultural practices in crops, livestock and poultry.
2. Provide technical service to farmers, fishers and Agro-processors in 14 operational areas in the Municipality.
3. Promote and ensure the production of non-traditional commodities (Mushroom, snail, Grasscutter etc.)
4. Facilitate the formation of new FBOs and strengthen old FBOs
5. Organize and support youth groups to enter food production and Agriculture business.
6. Promote the expanded crop production programme
7. Organize educational programmes on improved farming methods.
8. Encourage farmers to go into agro-processing.
9. Organise farmers into co-operatives to access financial assistance from Banks, NGOs, Donors, etc for farming.
10. intensify research – extension – farmer linkages and collaboration with MDAs, NGOs and other stakeholde
11. Improve storage and warehousing of food crops, livestock and fish
12. Organise National Farmers Day, Agricultural shows and exhibitions
13. Improve landscaping in the DADU office area14. Provide office with computer and other accessories
Municipality wide /Saltpond
Source of Funding
Department of Cooperatives:
Mission Statement
To facilitate the development of vibrant co-operative enterprises that is capable of contributing to sustainable employment generation.
1.Residential accommodation
2.Payment of office rent
3.Renovation of office
4. Lack of means of transport for trekking
5. Poor sponsorship of cooperatives development at the Municipality with regards to financial support to the existing cooperative societies.
1. To help in poverty reduction and community development.
2. To co-ordinate with the Municipality Administration for dissemination of government polices on rural development.
3. Monitoring evaluation and regulation based on our beliefs in co-operative ethics.
1. Establishment of large scale vegetable farms
2. Construction of cold store for Kormantse Co-operative Multi Purpose Society Ltd.
3.Gari Processing Factory
4. Gari Processing Factory
5. Pineapple Plantation
Source of Funding
Information Service Department
Mission Statement
The information Services Department exists to disseminate information Government policies and programmes to the people and in turn, to the Government and to handle public education activities, campaigns, public announcements, press releases and publicity services for the Municipality assembly and its allied decentralized departments.
The Service exists to put every child of school-going age to school and stay at least nine years and ensures quality teaching and learning through renewed teacher commitment, punctuality and regularity, effective supervision, effective use of contact hours, proper and selfless stakeholders support.
- Non availability of cinema van
- Shortage of personnel
- Lack of office equipment such as fax machine etc.
- Inadequate fund for running the office.
- Lack of computer and its accessories
- Delapidated official accommodation
- Inadequate official vehicles
- School electrification
- lack of portable water in some school communities
- Lack of teacher accommodation especially in the rural areas.
- Getting KG teachers on government pay roll.
- Motivation for teachers especially those in the deprived communities
1. Act as the public relation organization to the Municipality Assembly
2. Organize publicity on revenue mobilization and other levies in the Municipality.
3. Under take major publicity campaigns on development programmes through film shows and talks.
To improve on the status of school infrastructure
( i) furniture (ii) classroom blocks
Develop the professional capacity of teachers.
Environmental sanitation
Revenue mobilization
- Health Insurance Sensitization of stake holders and communities on the FCUBE
- Organise public education on girl child education
- Sponsorship for Teacher Education
- Organize workshops/ in-service training for teachers
- Provide incentive packages for teachers in deprived/difficult areas
- Imlpement best Teacher Awards
- Provision of school buildings
- Provision of furniture
- Provision of housing for Teachers
- Supply of water to Schools
- Communities
- Municipality Wide
- Ekumfi Area
- Source of FundingMDA
- Plan Ghana, World Vision and MDA
- Municipal Mutual health Insurance Scheme and MDA
- Municipal Education office/Donor support
- GES/ Education Office/Municipal Assembly
- Municipal Assembly
- GES/Dist. Education. Office/Donor support
- GES/Municipal Assembly
- GES/HQTS/Municipal Assembly
- Municipal Assembly/ Community
- Municipal Assembly/Communities
- Municipal Assembly/NGOs and
- GET Fund
- Assembly/GES/NGOs
- Municipal Assembly/NGOs/
- Communities.
- Department of Community Development
Mission Statement
The Department of Community Development exists to facilitate the mobilization and use of available human resources to improve upon the living standards of deprived rural and urban communities within an effective decentralized system of administration through adult education and extension service.
2. Water
3. inadequate staff
1. Disseminate government policies to the rural areas.
2. Assist Municipal Assemblies to co-ordinate activities of the Area Councils
1. Community KVIP
2. School KVIP
3. Feeder road
4.Ten Women’s Group
5. Area Councils income Generating Ventures
6. Public Education
- Municipal Wide
- Five communities
- Mfantseman Municipality
- MPCU activities
- Source of Funding
- MP Common Fund for ten community
- MP’s Common Fund
- Municipal Assembly Poverty Fund and MP’s Common Funds
- Municipal Assembly
- Government / MA
- Department Of Social Welfare
Mission Statement
The Department exists to work in partnership with people in their communities to improve their social well being through promoting development with equity for the disadvantage
1. Mobility
2, Dilapidated office accommodation and furniture
3 Lack of professional social workers
4. Lack of office telephone facilities
5. Poor financial resource to carry out programmes
1. To provide professional social welfare services
2. To ensure that the statutory responsibilities of the department of the social welfare are carried out in the field of justice administration and child rise protection.
3.To promote access to social services for the disadvantage, vulnerable and marginalized groups
1.Five hundred Juvenile delinquents assisted, trained and integrated into society by Dec. 2013
2. Two hundred newly established Day-care centres registered by 31 Dec. 2013.
3. Two hundred street children rehabilitated by Dec. 2013.
- Municipal Wide
- Source of Funding
- Municipal assemblies
- NGOs,
- Parent Organisation
- Statistical Service
Mission Statement
The statistical service exists to collect, analyse and conduct censuses to provide reliable data for planning purposes in the Municipality.
1. Lack of office accommodation and facilities.
2. Inadequate staff
3. Inadequate funding.
1. To support the planning unit of the Municipality with relevant data.
1. Survey on traders
- Saltpond and Mankessim
- Source of Funding
- Statistical service
- Ghana Police Service
Mission Statement
The Police service exists to maintain and enforce peace and security through the protection of life and property.
Residential accommodation for police personnel at Mankessim, Essarkyir, Anomabo , Otuam and Dominase
2. Transport for effective policing
1. To reduce crime rate in the Municipality
2. To protect life and property
1. Formation and training of neighborhood watch- dog committee within the Mfantseman Municipality.
2. Renovation of chief inspector’s quarters, Saltpond police barracks
3. Completion of Saltpond police station and Municipal Police Headquarters.
Municipality wide / Saltpond
Source of Funding
Central government and Municipal Assembly
Town and Country Planning / Mission Statement.The Department exists to assist the Municipal Assembly to formulate and implement policies on human settlement and other related issues through effective development schemes.
1. Lack of transport facilities
2. poor office accommodation
3. lack of office facilities
Objectives /Programmes
1. To guide and assist the Assembly in the technical operations and management of relevant development plans.
2. To prepare and manage urban and rural roads.
1.Revision of planning schemes
Mankessim, Anomabo and Saltpond
Source of Funding
Mfantseman Municipal Assembly
National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO)
Mission Statement
NADMO exists to identify and monitor hazards to prevent them from degenerating into disasters. It also manages disasters to mitigate the consequences through the mobilization of resources.
1. Formation of Municipal Disaster Management Committees yet to be effected.
2. Lack of ready stock of relief items for prompt supply.
3. Lack of fuel for monitoring and data collection.
1.To reduce the rate of disasters by 80% by the year 2013.
2.Co-ordinate relevant agencies/department/NGOs in the mitigation of disasters by reducing it to 2% by the year 2013
3.Lobby Municipality Assembly and the Ministry to Control disasters during emergencies by 80% by the year2013.
Education and sensitization on hazards that develop into disasters.
Nursing of seedlings for tree planting.
Municipal wide
- Asafora, Abor, Baifikrom, Dominase, Essuehyia and Ekotsi
- Saltpond (B)
- Essarkyir (B)
- Anomabo (B)
- Immuna (WB)
- Abor (WL)
- Abandze (WL)
- Asaafa (WL)
- Eyisam (WL)
- Kuntu (WL)
- Akraman (WL)
- Nsanfo (WL)
- Fomena (WL)
- Obidan (WL)
- Ekrawfo (WL)
- Suprudo(WL)
- Yamoransa
- Otuam
- Dominase
- Narkwa
Source of Funding
- Parks and Garden
- Mission Statement
- The Parks and Gardens exists to create public
- Recreational Parks and offer technical advice on horticultural matters including beautification and tree planting.
- Problems
- Inadequate staff
- Lack of vehicle
- Lack of equipment e.g. mowing machine
- Lack of office and residential accommodation for the Municipality Officer.
- Lack of water
- To create public parks in the Municipal for recreational purposes
- To under take tree planting exercises to prevent environmental degradation in the Municipal.
- To give technical advice to the Municipal Assembly on horticultural issues.
- To engage in the beautification of both private and public places.
- Programmes/Projects
- Planting of trees in the Municipal
- construction of shed in the nursery
- Beautification of Mankessim roundabout.
a. St. John’s Sch. Mankessim
b. Methodist High Sch. Saltpond
c. Hospital junction to Municipal Assembly Saltpond
Source of Funding
Ghana Health Service
Mission Statement
The provision of quality health care and to reduce disease burden of all people in the Mfantseman Municipality
- Inadequate medical and paramedical staff
- Inadequate accommodation
- Inadequate health infrastructure and other facilities
- Difficulty in retaining trained professional staff
- Inadequate transport
- lack of motivation
- Lack of laundry equipment and mortuary fridge
- Acute water shortage
- Frequent Fire Outbreak
- The untarred road
- Inadequate funds
To ensure an effective and efficient health delivering system
DHMT office
Saltpond/ Municipality
Source of Funding
Central Government
Municipal Assembly
Development partners
Mission Statement
The NCCE is a constitutional body mandated to create and sustain awareness of constitutional democracy for the achievement of political, economic, and social stability through civic education
- lack of vehicle and other logistical support
- lack of permanent office accommodation, aparthy among the citizenry toward civic education
- Inadequate funding for civic education throughout the Municipality
- to create public awareness on the constitution and other topical issues by 100 communities s & r by December2013
- to create awareness on the Municipal level election throughout the Municipality by august ending 2010
- to formulate and implement programmes designed to inculcate in the citizenry in their civic responsibility and rights in 50 communities by December, 2011
- to sensitize the citizenry by gender equity in all aspects of our social, political and economic life in 50 communities by December 2011
- to carry out civic education on sanitation and revenue mobilization for the M/A in 70 communities by December 2011
- to train 70 Assemblymembers by June 2011 on their responsibilities to their electorate
- to train all Assemblymembers, Town and Area councilors in the 15 Town & Area councils and all unit committee members by December 2011
- to carry out public education on children’s right and rights of the disabled by December, 2011
- to carry out public education on political and religious tolerance in the need to turn out massively in the parliamentary and presidential election by December 2011
- to monitor the 2011 general elections and report on irregularities for prompt action by electoral commission
- to carry out public education on the need for peace and stability after the general elections (2011) throughout the Municipality by March, 2012
• public education programme on the Municipal level election and the national health insurance scheme
• social auditing
• sensitization programme on children’s rights and parental responsibility
• training of Assembly members, unit committees, Town/Area councilors
• training of female contestants
- Municipal wide
- Mampong
- Nkwanta
- Waakrom
- Narkwa
- Anlo
- Abeadze
- Twoboase
- Narkwa
- Arkra
- Ekumpoano
- Edumafa
- Mankessim
- Kyeakor
- Dominase
- Kormantse
- Immuna
- Otuam
- Safakokodo
- Srafa Mpoano
Municipal wide
Source of Funding
Date Created : 11/23/2017 8:28:10 AM