The final Priorities were selected with due consideration to the resource availability, impact that intervention will bring with regards to poverty reduction and the size of population that will be impacted.

Consideration was also given to linkages and the cause effect relation that exists in problem analysis.  Care should be taken not to put aside some of the identified problems.  The problems are arranged in order of priority under each theme. 

Identification of Development

The Focus of Development for the Medium Term Plan is

  1. To improve access to basic social facilities and services such as Health care, quality education, potable water, security from crime and violence to enable all the people in the District enhance their capacity to fulfill their economic potential.


The following goals are set under the various themes

  • Increase Production Base in viable sectors of the District Economy
  • Harness the Economic and resource potentials of the District
  • Increase opportunities for stable and remunerative employment
  • Enhance productive skills of the District Labor force
  • Strengthen Private Sector Participation and Development activities in the District


  1. Improve upon standard of formal Education

Water and Sanitation

  1. Lower the incidence of Water and Sanitation related diseases in the District


  • Improve upon overall health status of the population HIV/AIDS
  • Reduce HIV cases in the District


Create awareness of adolescent on population issues in other to achieve significant reduction in population growth rate


  • Improve management of national resources

Special Programme for the vulnerable and excluded

  1. Ensure that disabled persons are brought into the mainstream of social and economic development
  2. Enhance the capacity of Women to fulfill their potentials
  3. Reduce the level of discrimination and vulnerability among the elderly and children in the District.

Infrastructure Development for private sector development

  1. Provide basic social and economic infrastructure
  2. Maintain and rehabilitate existing social and economic infrastructure

Objective and Strategies

The objectives and strategies to achieve the above goals are spelt out in the Programme of action. 

The mandate of implementing the medium term development plan will rest largely on the District Assembly.  Its role will be mainly initiating the implementation processes and co-ordinating all activities towards the attainment of the set goals and objectives. The District Planning and Co-ordinating Unit will be the main secretariat of the Assembly responsible for Co-ordinating of Programmes and Project as well as Monitoring and Evaluation.

District sectoral departments are expected to play a very crucial role in realising the goals and objective of the plan. Key Heads of Department who are part of the preparation of this document are expected to be part of the project and programme implementation by monitoring Progress of implementation and attainment of goals and objectives set. For each Head of Department, output of plan activities for the various sectors will be keenly monitored.
While NGOs and other agencies both within the District and outside will be encouraged to implement areas of interest, the District Assembly expects that all activities carried out by NGOs will fall in line with laid down procedures and plans of the Assembly. This is by no means intended to limit their activities but to co-ordinate, control and where necessary support them through lobbying, advocacy, or any other means possible.  This will prevent duplication of efforts while streamlining and directing all efforts and scarce resources towards the realisation of goals and Objectives set.

Annual action plan based on the Medium Term Development Plan (MTDP) will be prepared by the District Planning and Co-ordinating Unit and spell out the details of all program actions for the year.

There will be midyear and annual review meetings of all key Stakeholders of the Programmes earmarked for the MTDP. These meetings are expected to bring Stakeholders together for a review of the implementation of all the activities earmarked for the planning period.  The DPCU will be responsible for organising all meetings and will prepare annual reports of all annual action plans.




Date Created : 11/18/2017 4:28:27 AM