Bush fire is the major risk faced by the people that predispose them to vulnerability. This is mainly caused by Fulani Herdsmen for the grazing of their animals and hunters. People’s house, farms and properties are sometime lost to the fire. Lives are also affected and some leading to death. In fact, statistics has revealed that the Volta Region is leading in bush fire incidence and in the Region; Adaklu has recorded the highest bush fire incidence since 2009 but recent public sensitization especially during the dry seasons has drastically reduced the menace. 


Other major cases of vulnerability are Child Abuse, Child Labour, and Children in conflict with the law. Statistics show that every year over 10 children go contrary to the law and unfortunately due to absence of a law court in the District most of this cases are dealt with by the chieftaincy institution and in the worst case scenario, they have to be transported to either Ho for trial. Plans are however far advance to construct a District law Court.


Other issues include the exclusion of People Living with HIV (PLWHIV). About 50 PLWHIV are in such difficult situation. There is the need for intensive education on the issue.


The District records on disability from the auspices of the District social welfare office revealed a registered number of 250 people with disability some of whom are also orphans. However, the 2010 PHC figures shows that there are 886 persons with disability in Adaklu District. The proportion of males with disability is (46.2%) and that of the females is (53.8%). There are two major Social Protection Infrastructures for these disables, Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC). These are Children’s Friend Orphanage, at Adaklu-Goefe, and Godwin Amway Academy –Wodome Community Based Foster Care Institution.

 In order to solve the problems associated with vulnerability and excluded, non-governmental organizations and development partners continue to collaborate with the District Assembly to bring relief to the these persons.

Women Empowerment

Participation of women in the political life of the District is not encouraging.  Currently, there are only Three (3) Assemblywomen, of which Two (2) are government appointees to the assembly. Considering the role women play in both the local and national economy, the low participation of women in the decision making process of the District means that their views would not be fully reflected in development activities, and this has serious implication for the overall development of the District. The District in this direction is promoting sensitization for more women to get nominated for the up-coming DA elections and other vital positions.


Date Created : 11/17/2017 3:45:52 AM