Health is one of the major sectors of the District economy. Health service provision is mainly by the Government through Ghana Health Service and supported by the Christian Health Association of Ghana. The District lacks a Hospital as such health services are delivered at facilities located at Adaklu-Helekpe H/C, Adaklu-Waya H/C, Sofa Clinic (CHAG), Ahunda H/C, Torda CHPS zone, Ahunda CHPS zone and Kordiabe CHPS zone. There are also uncompleted CHPS compounds at Kpeleho and Kordiabe. The District epidemiological profile shows a concurrent significant prevalence of diseases including Malaria, Upper Respiratory Tract Infections, Intestinal Worms, Diarrhoea and Rheumatism/Joint Pains.


 National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS)

The NHIS has become a contemporary issue in the health sector of Ghana. The NHIS is established by Act 650 to replace the “Cash and Carry” system. It has brought about equitable distribution of health services and has bridged the gap between the rich and the poor in terms of access to health service. It is based on this that the NHIS status was assessed. Although the District is yet to establish a District Mutual Scheme, it relies on the NHIS Office in Kpetoe and Ho. Currently about 60 percent of the population are registered under the scheme. However, one major problem confronting the scheme is huge claims and the difficulty in paying the claims submitted by the health facilities.


Date Created : 11/17/2017 3:29:29 AM