
In Ga Central Municipality, the identified vulnerable groups are children from low income and broken homes. The second group of people is those with HIV/AIDS and the third group is adolescent girls likely to become single parents. The fourth group however (which also includes adolescent girls), are the commercial sex workers and single mothers. Exclusion however relates to the deprived or those that have been ruled out of social and economic activities. The elderly, the physically challenged and drug addicts were nonetheless also identified as vulnerable and excluded groups.

Child Labour

From the population and housing census conducted in 2010, it was estimated that approximately 10% of children in the age group of 7-14 years were active in the labour market, which contrasted with an estimated 19% nation-wide.

Subsequently, there was an increase of 2% every year. Currently there is a high incidence of child labour in the Municipality which is mainly attributed to parental neglect.

Most of these children work in private households as domestic workers, wholesale/retail sector as hawkers, manufacturing sector as factory hands and agricultural sector as farm hands.

With government’s interventions such as the capitation grant and school feeding programme, it is anticipated that the trend will reverse, but not drastically.

Persons with Disabilities

There is a high population of illiterate, unemployed and physically challenged persons in the Municipality. To address their concerns, there is the need for the Assembly to collaborate with Departments/Agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations to provide the necessary socio-economic infrastructure to improve their standard of living.











Date Created : 11/17/2017 8:47:55 AM