Industrial activities are generally low yet great potentials exist within the cashew and clay deposit areas. The district produces tones of cashew nuts annually but they are bought at low prices and exported by both local and foreign merchants to the little benefit of the people in the district. Presently, the cashew nuts are processed into nuts under subsistence levels by small scale industries at Sampa and Kabile but large scale processing is required to encourage farmers to produce more and reap from their labour.
Commerce plays a very significant role in the economy of the district. These involve trading in food stuffs such as yam, cassava, plantain and maize. There also exist finished products like hardware, clothes, plumbing materials and other food and consumable items. The major marketing centres where the items are traded in are the Sampa weekly and daily market, Goka weekly and daily market and a number of satellite markets at Asiri, Jamera, Duadaso, Suma-Ahenkro and Adadiem.
Clay Deposits
another economic/investment opportunity in the district is clay deposits. Clay deposits also abound in the district especially at Bonakire and Adadiem located in the Nafana West Area Council. Currently, aside the earthen worm pots that are made from the clay, the large deposit is untapped. This can be processed on large scale into burnt bricks for construction of local houses and classroom blocks.
Date Created : 11/16/2017 3:57:52 AM