The Annual Action Plan (AAP) for the year 2010 has been prepared in consonance with the National Medium-Term Development Framework known as the Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda (GSGDA, 2010 - 2013). The seven major thrusts of the framework are:

  1. Improvement and Sustenance of Macroeconomic Stability;
  2. Expanded Development of Production Infrastructure;
  3. Accelerated Agriculture Modernization and Agro-Based Industrial Development;
  4. Sustained Partnership between Government and the Private Sector;
  5. Developing Human Resources for National Development;
  6. Transparency and Accountable Governance; and
  7. Reducing Poverty and Income Inequalities.

Consequently, the various development issues and community aspirations, and programmes and projects identified for implementation within the year have been organized under these seven thematic areas.

The proposed projects and programmes for implementation were based on the anticipated resource inflow into the Assembly bearing in mind its debt stock. The main sources of financing the plan would be from the District Assemblies Common Fund (DACF), Ministry of Roads and Highways (MRH), Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFUND), Community-Based Rural Development Project (CBRDP), Districts Development Fund (DDF), the Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA) and the Assembly’s Internally Generated Fund (IGF).



Date Created : 11/16/2017 3:40:20 AM