Implementation Of Annual Action Plans


This chapter is an outline of the implementation arrangement for the plan. Most plans have failed because arrangements for implementation were left out. The various action plans for the years have been provided and responsible implementers specified together with the sources of funds, start and end dates as well as indictors for assessment.

Implementation Arrangements

The medium term plan has been phased out into annual plans for four years starting from 2006. They need to be implemented based on the annual budget of the District Assembly. They were prepared based on a set of criteria. For instance, all on-going projects must be completed within the first year. 

Others are projects which fall in line with highly prioritised needs and national goals, emergencies which require immediate attention and projects which satisfy the immediate needs of the people and would alleviate poverty.The action plans specify the title of the project and its location, their output indicators, start and end dates as well as amounts involved. It spells out the source of funds for the project, whether internal or external and who would implement it and with whose support.

Linking Plan to the Annual Budget

The annual budget allocates financial resources for the achievements of the district’s development agenda. The MTEF provides for the integration of the recurrent and development budget by distinguishing running cost of the assembly from the development activities of the district. Here, all projects and activities as well as services budgeted for should necessarily emanate from the annual action plans of the assembly.

The personnel emoluments relate to salaries and wages paid to established and non-established posts which are essential to the assembly. Administration relates to the running of the assembly and this includes utilities, travel and transport, postal charges and telecommunication. 

Services provided by the assembly to the people include the provision of health care, education, community development, sanitation, public education, raining consultancy and others. The constmction of school and office blocks, provision of furniture and water facilities, purchase of equipment, computers, vehicles and other capital goods are considered investments.


Date Created : 11/21/2017 5:50:53 AM