Commerce and Service

    Commerce in the district is restricted to buying and selling of predominantly agricultural produce which is normally at its best during the weekly market. The two weekly markets in the district are on six - day ’rotational basis. These are located at Tumu, the district administrative capital, and Bugubelle. Besides these weekly markets, there are stores in the town centres where a wide range of manufactured goods and basic household items are provided. 

    The commerce and service sector in the district is still underdeveloped and needs a major boost to make it more vibrant to serve the changing trends of commerce and distributive trading. Another interesting feature of the district’s commercial sector is the role played by traders from Burkina Faso. These traders bring a wide range of goods such as onions, potatoes, cattle, sheep and high yielding mango seedlings. Their contribution to the weekly markets gives the district’s commerce and service sector an international touch.


    Date Created : 11/17/2017 2:17:12 AM