The culture of the people of the Sissala East Municipality is dynamic. This dynamic culture has been handed over to the present generation by their forefathers through experience and reflection in an attempt to fashion and harmonies co-existence with the environment. Culture as a totality of the way of life seeks to establish linkages with the positive aspects of our past and present. Some of the positive cultural practices of the citizenry are the celebration of the "Naaba Gbiele" festival which is celebrated once every year. 

    The Sissalas, like any other tribe in Ghana have their own social gathering which include; outdooring, weddings, burials, dressing and the like. A number of tourism potentials have been identified in the district. These include Kasena slave market at Kasena, Wotuomo cave between Dangi and Lilixia, Hunter’s footprints at Dolibizon, Mysterious rocks at Pieng, Mysterious river at Nmanduanu, Bone setters at Wuru, Kwapun and Banu, Historical site at Santijan and the White man’s grave at Tumu.

    Communal Spirit

    The people of the district have a strong enthusiasm for communal labour. With the assistance of the Assemblymen and Women, CBOs, Unit Committee members and other voluntary organizations are put in place to facilitate self-help development Example of these projects include; construction of schools and KVIP in communities such as Peing, Bujan and Tumu.

    Cultural Practices

    Female genital mutilation (FGM) which was paramount among the indigenous people has reduced drastically. This could be attributed to, sensitization carried out by the DA, NGOs, and CBOs through fora, durbars, media and community dialogue which might have gone down well with the people. Except Wellembelle and some few communities where there are some minor conflicts, there is generally peaceful co-existence among the people. Measures will be put in place to curb the prevailing minor conflicts.


    Traditional Setup

    The Sissala East Municipal has two (2) chieftaincy divisions. These are Tumu and Wellembelle. The divisions under Tumu paramouncy includes Pieng, Bujan, Tafiasi, Sakai,Challu, Santijan, Nabulo, Bawiesibelle,Kasana, Wutu, Kwapun, Pina, Kunchogo, Banu, Bassisan and the like. Those found under Wellembelle Paramouncy include Bugubelle, Kulfuo, Nmanduanu and Jijen. 

    There is a close collaboration between these traditional setups and the formal system in terms of policy making, conflict resolution and the implementation of development programmes and projects. The two paramouncies have come together to form the Sissala East Traditional Council. The relationship among chiefs, on one hand and between chiefs and the district assembly on the other has been very cordially.

    Contribution of Traditional Authority to District Development

    In the Sissala East Municipal, the Chieftaincy institution still remains the oldest, most revered and sacred institution. This age long institution performs very significant functions. The Chiefs do not only serve as focus of unity and arbitration but also an intermediary between the people and their ancestral spirits. The chief in this district is a judge, administrator, peace officer and many other roles rolled into one. 

    The chief prominently stands as the head of the traditional state. Chiefs and what they symbolized in our society are so vital that despite subsequence rapid changes in the Ghanaian body-politic, which results sometimes in division, instability and civil strives, the institution remains as a unifying and stabilizing force. 

    The government policy of decentralization offers the chiefs in the district an opportunity to blend local aspirations with objectives of the district assembly. In this regard, chiefs in the Sissala East Municipal  have been very responsive  and  initiative,   especially  in community mobilization, revenue generation and self-help programmes.

    Problems of Traditional Authority

    A very serious issue that militate against this noble institution is the spate of chieftaincy disputes and protracted litigations. A notable example of chieftaincy dispute is that of Nabugubelle. Despite some isolated cases, the district is very calm with all paramount and divisional chiefs contributing their quota to the development of the district in an atmosphere of peace.



    Date Created : 11/17/2017 1:11:26 AM