Name : General Legal Council
Position : General Legal Council
Designation : General Legal Council

The General Legal Council is the body that regulates the Legal Profession in Ghana. It was set up in 1960 by an act of parliament, The Legal Profession Act, 1960 (Act 32). Its role was to oversee legal education and the legal profession in the country.
Members of the Council
The membership of the Council includes academics, judges and legal practitioners representing legal education, training and practice. The Chief Justice of Ghana currently in office is the chairperson for the council. The council also includes the three most senior members of the Supreme Court of Ghana; the Attorney General of Ghana and his or her nominee; and the President, Vice President, and secretary of the Ghana Bar Association.
The council maintains licenses lawyers to practice. It also enrolls new members to the Ghana Bar due. It has a Disciplinary Committee which is able to sanction and disbar legal practitioners in the country.
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