Industrial Sector
Industry refers to the type of product produced or services rendered at the respondent’s workplace. Information was collected only on the main product produced or service rendered in the establishment during the reference period. Table 4.4 shows Employed population 15 years and older by Industry and Sex. Agriculture, including forestry and fishing, constitutes the largest industry employing 87.2 percent of the workforce aged 15 years and above in the district.
Other industries include manufacturing (6.5%), wholesale and retail; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (3%), and accommodation and food service activities (1.4%). The rest recorded percentages below one, with their cumulative being less than two percent. Ninety-three percent of the employed males are in agriculture, including forestry and fishing, two percent for manufacturing and two percent for wholesale and retail; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles.
For females, the proportions are 81 percent in agriculture, 11.1 percent in manufacturing, four percent in wholesale and retail, 2.7 percent in accommodation and food service activities. Compared to males, higher proportions of the female workforce were engaged in the wholesale and retail, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, manufacturing and accommodation and food services sectors.
For females, the proportions are 81 percent in agriculture, 11.1 percent in manufacturing, four percent in wholesale and retail, 2.7 percent in accommodation and food service activities. Compared to males, higher proportions of the female workforce were engaged in the wholesale and retail, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, manufacturing and accommodation and food services sectors.
Employment Status
The employed population 15 years and older by employment status and sex is shown in Table 4.5. The table shows that 59.6 percent are self-employed without employees in the district. The corresponding proportions for females are 54.1 and males are 64.9 percent. Contributing family worker follows next with 35.9 percent and the corresponding proportion for males and females are 30 and 42 percent respectively. Employees constitute just 1.7 percent of the employed population 15 years and older with a higher proportion of males (2.4%) being employees than females (1%).
Employment Sector
The results as shown in table 4.6 indicate that the private informal sector is the largest employer in the district, employing 98.1 percent of the employed population 15 years and older. The private informal sector employs 97.8 percent of employed males and 98.5 percent of employed females. Public (Government) employs 110 males and 32 females, representing 1.3 percent and 0.4 percent respectively of the employed population 15 years and older.
Date Created : 11/21/2017 6:10:25 AM