

The indigenous people are Dagombas; however, one can find other tribes like Gonjas and Ewes who engage in fishing activities along the White Volta. Dagombas constitute about 95 percent of the district population.


Religious Beliefs


Islam and Traditional Religions are the predominant religions of the people. There are however pockets of Christians across the district. There are a number of festivals in the area. The major ones are Bugum (fire) and Damba festivals which are celebrated annually.



The district houses the only water treatment plant in the northern region that supplies potable drinking water to the whole of the regional capital, including Savelugu Municipal, Sagnarigu and Tolon Districts. Other tourist attraction in the district include: Bontanga irrigation dam, Traditional Artifacts at Logshegu and the Night Market at Gbullung.

Date Created : 11/21/2017 5:55:57 AM