Priorities for private sector competitiveness

Food security within the six (6) months of the dry season can be ensured taken into consideration our potentials for irrigation agriculture, diversification into livestock rearing, good post harvest management and increasing the shelf-life of agricultural produce through agro-processing. The Municipal assembly would therefore pursue this option seriously.


The assembly expects to improve upon the low-income levels prevailing in the Municipality by facilitating access to credit and ensuring a reduction in post harvest losses. Also, the assembly would embark seriously irrigation agriculture on available water bodies for dry season gardening, which would go a long way to boost all year round employment.

The East Gonja Municipal assembly identified program priorities, which are consistent with the growth & poverty reduction strategy (GPRS) ii, medium-term development priorities for the government of Ghana.  These are:

  1. Developing and implementing a comprehensive strategy and program for food security;
  2. Development of irrigation agriculture;
  3. Developing and implementing a plan for the provision of socio-economic infrastructure;
  4. Establishing an employment scheme and strengthening the business advisory centre, based on formal and apprenticeship development.
  5. A feeder roads expansion program;
  6. Establish a community bank and strengthen the credit unions in Salaga and Kpandai;
  7. Promoting the establishment of at least 5 new initiatives in micro-credit and finance projects by NGOS;
  8. Expanding market access through infrastructure development and market incentives; 
  9. Regulating water transport system for increased production and tourism development;
  10. Increasing access to rural electrification under the self-help electrification (SHEP) project;
  11. Facilitating the establishment of ICT in district’s development.

Good governance and civic responsibility 

For the period under consideration and given the democratic dispensation, the district assembly would pursue seriously the mitigation of ethnic friction, strengthen disec (district security committee), and strengthen the use of appropriate means to pursue ones rights especially through the use of the law court to deliver justice to the people.   

Gender considerations would be of paramount concern to the assembly at the various levels of our development aspiration. Also community participation is going to be made to cut across all strategies to be adopted. Gender considerations and the participation of communities would ensure balanced decisions, which would ensure that projects are successful and sustainable and, benefits are spread. 

Also, chiefs and opinion leaders would be supported to take-up their proper roles in society and ensure that best practices are adopted in the installation of chiefs and leaders. 

The assembly would assist youth associations to re-focus and redirect their energies into other areas geared towards creating the environment devoid of insecurity, but peaceful co-existence, which is vital for the development of the Municipality.

The establishment of revenue database and organization of regular training programmes for revenue staff would enhance efficiency and effectiveness in revenue mobilization. In addition, the revenue collection machinery would have to be over-hauled and assisted by substructures to be established. Fifty percent of revenue mobilized would have to be ceded to these substructures for development at their level. This is a sure way of improving revenue mobilization drive in the Municipality.

  • Establishing a revenue data-base for Municipal Assembly;
  • Developing new revenue policies and corresponding measures based on partnerships with major economic stakeholders in the Municipality; and,
  • Monitoring the progress of the growth & poverty reduction strategy at the district level.
  • Expanding the institutional base of local government in the district and at the sub-district level;
  • Increasing the capacity for peoples participation in local governance;
  • Promoting gender equity in local governance;
  • Build capacity for decentralized management of change, targeting human resources and institutional development of the district assembly, its agencies and organizations of civil society;
  • Promoting rights of the individual;
  • Increasing the capacity of people to participate in local governance;

Human resource development

Low literacy level of 20% and poor performance at BECE level as development issues in the Municipality could be addressed through increased participation and ownership of schools by communities, PTAS and SMCS. Enrollment and retention of children especially girls in school could be enhanced when chiefs and opinion leaders have sufficient interest in education. As such chiefs and opinion leaders in the various communities would be animated to develop the needed interest required to sustain this agenda. With improved literacy level, enhanced skills development and the large tract fertile arable land available, unemployment could be reduced and this would go to affect income levels of households. 

The low coverage of water and sanitation facilities and the resultant high guinea worm endemicity would be tackled through the provision of facilities and educational campaigns to ensure that communities are free from these embarrassments.
Equally, the high infant mortality rate, high maternal mortality rate, the inadequate human resource level at the health facilities as well as the poor utilization of health facilities shall be improved the increased resource allocation and sensitization of the peoples of the Municipality.

  1. Developing and implementing a strategy for social security targeting the poorest of the poor, the vulnerable and the excluded in the Municipality;
  2. Strengthening district health insurance scheme
  3. Expanding health infrastructure
  4. Expanding water supply coverage and utilization
  5. Expanding sanitation infrastructure and utilization
  6. Increasing basic education coverage and performance
  7. POCC


Date Created : 11/18/2017 3:45:32 AM