Implementation arrangement for annual action plan

Implementation arrangements

The East Gonja Municipal Assembly and its decentralized as well as other organizations would be assigned the responsibility of formulating and executing development plans, programmes and strategies through the effective mobilization and utilization of resources necessary for the overall development of the district section 10 of the local government act, 1993, act 462 sub-section 4 empowers the district assembly to encourage joint partnership with other persons or bodies to execute approved plans. 


Whilst the thrust of co-ordination of implementation on the whole plan is the responsibility of the central administration, sector department would be charged with the co-ordination of implementation related specifically to their sectors. Thus the central administration would be responsible for the co-ordination of:

  • Security
  • Decentralization
  • Resource mobilization and generally the
  • Execution of all projects and programmes

Sector departments of Ghana education service, district health service and district agriculture development unit and the others would co-ordinate sector plans and the actual implementation activities.

Funding of projects and programmes

funding for the execution of plan would be provided by the government of Ghana, district assembly and its development partners who have expressed interest in the programmes in the provision of funds. Whilst government pays for salaries and wages of all staff, she is also responsible for funding road works, hospitals, electrification projects, projects in second cycle schools etc. 

The district assembly through the common fund finances micro projects such as classroom blocks, courts, health centres, and accommodation for workers, market structures etc.   

The development partners (NGOs and external support agencies) specially finances water and sanitation projects, capacity building programmes, income generating/ poverty reduction activities etc.

Finally the communities are expected to provided counterpart funds, land, local materials and in some cases communal labour towards the implementation of some projects especially the donor driven ones. 

Date Created : 11/18/2017 3:34:00 AM