The development issues identified under the performance review and the situation Analysis (District Profile) have been summarized under each of the four (4) development dimensions adopted by the District under the An Agenda for Jobs: Creating Prosperity and Equal Opportunities for All (2018-2021):
This chapter deals with the development priorities of the district. Harmonized identified development problems/issues with development implications for 2022-2025 were prioritized at the two Area Council level of the Assembly, thus Adeiso and Mepom Area Councils through a consensus stakeholders’ meeting organized.
Also the DPCU level, a one day stakeholders’ workshop was held to further prioritized the identified issues based on its impact (severity and diversity) on a large proportion of the population especially, the poor and vulnerable; significant linkage effect on meeting basic human needs and rights; significant multiplier effect on the local economy-thus, attraction of investors, job creation, increases in incomes and growth; significant effect on sustainable spatial development and as well as cross-cutting issues such as HIV/AIDS, gender equality, environmental concerns and climate change issues.
Identified priority issues from the DPCU level were further subjected to the analysis of the Potentials, Opportunities, Constraints and Challenges (POCC analysis) with respect to each of the thematic areas/development dimensions of the 2022-2025 MTNDPF. This was done to enhance the formulation of appropriate strategies for more implementation-oriented plans.
The following were the list of prioritized development issues of the district.
1. Poor road conditions and drainage systems
2. Limited agricultural production and productivity
3. Limited access to quality education
4. Limited access to health care delivery
5. Limited access to potable water
6. Poor environmental sanitation and degradation (sand winning High levels of unemployment and under-employment among the youth)
7. Predominantly informal economy
8. Increasing crime rate/inadequate police personnel and infrastructure
9. Ineffective sub-district structures
10. Limited capacity and opportunities for IGF mobilization
11. Inadequate financial, logistical and human resources
12. Weak enforcement of building regulations
13. Limited access to electricity
14. Inadequate social protection for children and other vulnerable
15. Inadequate funding for promoting gender equality
16. Limited attention to tourism development
This chapter deals with the district development projections, focus, goal, objectives and strategies based on six (6) selected thematic areas of the MTNDPF (2022-2025).
The 2022-2025 DMTDP of the Upper West Akim District seeks to reduce poverty and improve the living conditions of the people in the district. In order to achieve this, the medium term development programmes and projects will be anchored on the following thematic areas and some selected focus areas of the MTNDPF as indicated in the table below:
Population Size and Growth Rate
The population of the Upper West Akim District in the 2010 Population Census of Ghana was 87,051. Currently, the population is projected to be 109,672 in 2021 with a growth rate of 2.1%. By projection, the estimated population of the District for the planning period (2022-2025) is estimated to be 111,999 for 2022, 114,376 for 2023 , 116,804 for 2024 and 119,282 for 2025.
The rate of population increase in the district, however, calls for expansion of the infrastructure and services.
Economic Development Projections
As the population increases, demand for goods and services will also go up. Demand for food and some essential services will increase over the years hence the need to boost agricultural production of some selected crops by 30% each year and 20% each year for some selected livestock and poultry products. To promote local economic development, three (3) major district markets will be created at strategic locations of the district, support for SMEs with increased from 25% to 55% by 2025 and this would be in the form of trainings, financially support and provision of appropriate technologies. Tourism potentials of the district would also be developed and promoted through public-private partnership.
Social Development
Education and training are key aspects of national development, and have served as the main vehicle through which knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and character are acquired to build the requisite human capital. In order to increase inclusive and equitable access to, and participation in quality education at all levels, improve the quality of teaching and learning; promote the teaching and learning of science, mathematics, and technology at all levels; and improving management of education service delivery, series of programmes would be undertaken to ensure that net enrolment rate increase from 75% to 84%, completion rate increase from 85% to 95% and B.E.C.E and W.A.S.S.C.E pass rate increase from 53.4% and 65.6% to 65% and 78% respectively.
Bridging equity gaps in access to healthcare, a district hospital would be constructed under the Government of Ghana’s Agenda 111 Programme. In addition, five new CHPS Compounds would be constructed and five number already on-going CHPS Compounds completed in order to increase access to health care in the district.
Access to safe and quality water in the district is projected to reach 85% by end of the planning period due to the many interventions to be undertaken. These include the training of DWST and WSMTs, repairs and maintenance of broken water facilities and construction of new facilities especially in the rural areas.
Environment, Infrastructure and Human Settlements
The goal of the District Assembly regarding environment, infrastructure and human settlement development is to improve infrastructure delivery and promote a sustainable, spatially integrated, balanced and orderly development of human settlements. Intervention to be implemented for the achievement of this goal in the medium term will be the implementation of street naming and property addressing system, provision of basic infrastructure such as roads and electricity. The table and figure provided below presents the projected infrastructural development for the district for the next 4-years.
Having identified the district goals, objectives and strategies, as well as development projections for the next four years, it becomes necessary to outline the development programmes to be implemented within the four (4) year period (2022-2025), the Programme of Action (PoA).
. Introduction
This chapter presents the Annual Action Plan. It detailed out how the four-year Programme of Action (PoA) would be phased out annually for implementation in the planning period (2022-2025).
The Annual Action Plan is presented in a matrix form and it provides information on activities/projects to be implemented, the location, timeframe, project cost, programme status and implementing institutions/agencies.
The chapter basically deals with the monitoring and evaluation arrangement of the 2022-2025 DMTDP. The main purpose of the M&E is to institute an effective and efficient system for tracking the progress and also to assess the outcome and impact of the DMTDP on the targeted beneficiaries within the district. Systematic monitoring and evaluation and reporting will show the extent of progress made in the course of the DMTDP implementation over the four year period.
For M&E to be effective, efficient, relevant and sustainable there is the need to identify and classify all key stakeholders with interests in the development of the district. The identification and participation of all these key stakeholders will lead to sustained capacity building, dissemination and demand for M&E results. The table presented below is the stakeholder analysis conducted by the DPCU for the district.
Stakeholder Analysis
The ability of individuals and organizations to perform their M&E functions efficiently and effectively cannot be over emphasized. There is therefore the need to assess the capability of the District to develop and implement the M&E plan. The availability of material and human resources are very crucial for effective implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the 2022-2025 DMTDP.
In order for the M&E system to achieve its intended results it is prudent that the District addresses the human resource needs of departments to enable them perform their M&E functions. The capacity of the DPCU also needs to be built to carry out its mandate. The DPCU Secretariat should also be well equipped by providing the needed logistics and materials such as a designated monitoring vehicle, computers (laptops and desktops), Scanners, UPS, among others.
Date Created : 4/13/2023 12:00:00 AM