Location and Size
The district shares boundaries with the Mion District and Tamale Metropolitan Assembly to the North, Central Gonja District to the West, Nanumba-North to the East and East Gonja Municipal to the South. It lies within Latitude 8oN & 9.29oN and, Longitude 0.29E & 1.26oW. It lies within Latitude 8oN & 9.29oN and, Longitude 0.29E & 1.26oW.
The District lies in the Tropical Continental climatic zone. Temperatures are fairly high ranging between 29oC and 40oC. Maximum temperature is usually recorded in April, towards the end of the dry season with minimum temperatures recorded from December to January, during the Harmattan period.
The natural vegetation in the district is the Guinea Savannah Woodland. There are few grooves, which have been preserved over the years. The tree cover is relatively dense, compared to the rest of the Savannah Region.
The district has a number of large water bodies that flow throughout the communities. These include the Volta Lake and the Dakar River both of which run across the district. A number of streams, dugouts, valleys, hills and mountain are also found at various locations in the district, as part of the natural environment.
The soils in the district can be classified into two. These include the Alluvial soils generally classified under Glysols and are found around the Volta Lake, particularly in the drawn-down zone of the Volta Lake during the dry season. The soils along the Lake are medium textured and moderately well drained in parts. The soil are potentially fertile and has potential for a variety of crops especially vegetables, rice etc.
Date Created : 7/18/2024 12:00:00 AM