The Municipality has a good road network but generally, the conditions of these roads are rather poor, thus somewhat limiting their usage in the dry season. Some of them are rendered unmotorable at the peak of the rainy season, making some areas inaccessible and thus, breaking community linkages.


There is a post office at Gushegu, the Municipal capital. On the Municipality capital, Gushegu is connected to the national electricity grid. The Municipality has 6 Kindergartens, 59 Primary Schools, 6 Junior Secondary Schools and one Senior Secondary School. It also has four health centres at Gushega, Karaga, Kpatinga and Pishigu.


There is also a clinic at Nabuli. The Gushegu Health Centre has been upgraded to the status of a District Hospital. Two additional health centres are soon to be opened at Galwei and Zinindo. Access to potable water in the Municipality is through boreholes and hand-dug wells.


So far, 121 boreholes and 30 hand-dug wells have been drilled and dug in 100 communities through the collaboration of the Municipal Assembly, some Non-Governmental Organisations and donor agencies.


The Municipal capital, Gushegu, has 15 boreholes of which 11 have been fitted with hand pumps while the other four are mechanized. All potable water coverage for the Municipality is 29.5%.


Road network

Indeed, the road network in the Municipality is quite good as all villages are linked and accessible. Trunk roads in the Municipality are the Yendi-Gushegu, Tamale-Karaga-Gushegu, karaga-Pishigu and the Nakpanduri-Gbintiri-Gushegu roads. Ironically, not a single of these trunk roads is tarred. Almost all these trunk roads are in a deplorable state especially during the rainy season when most of the surface is washed away by water. This also points to the absence of appropriate bridges at specific locations.

The feeder road situation is worse especially during the rainy season. Most communities in the hinterland are normally cut off during this period. Although some considerable investments go into feeder road rehabilitation, the need to look at bridge construction in the Municipality is crucial. 


Only two key towns in the Municipality are connected to the national grid. These are the two major towns of Gushegu and karaga. Plans are far advanced to have more communities connected to the National Grid under the Self Help Electrification Project (SHEP). Efforts are also underway to extend power to fifty communities through the provision of solar light under the Renewable Energy Services Project (RESPRO) of the Ministry of Energy.


Date Created : 12/19/2017 4:07:33 AM