Health Services

The health services system in the Municipality like other rural health systems is one of inadequacy. The Municipality has 5 sub-districts and 7 health facilities located in the following communities, Gushegu, Karaga, Kpatinga, Pishigu, Nabuli, Zinnindo and Galwei. There are also 63 outreach centres in the district.

The Municipality Health Service has a total of 39 health staff. This is made up of 26 health professional and 13 non-health professionals. There are three medical assistants, 1 Public Health Nurse, 4 Staff Nurses, 6 Midwives and 6 Community Health Nurses. 

Diseases reported to the health facilities in the Municipality vary. Malaria is the most reported OPD case in the district accounting for about 55% of cases, while diarrhea diseases account for 17 %. 

Reproductive Health/ Child Care Services

Out of the 7 health facilities in the Municipality, 5 render specialized reproductive health services to clients.  Under safe motherhood, post-natal and antenatal attendance at clinics has been improving over the years. In the year 2000, 62% (3740 registrants) of antenatal care was achieved out of a target of 85% of mothers. An average of 3 visits of pregnant women was recorded for the period. Out of the 3740 pregnant women, 18% came in the trimester, 13% were teenagers and 38% had more than four children. Postnatal care attendance has not been consistent. While there was improvement from 22% in 1999 to 38% in 2000, a target of 24% (1244) was achieved in 2001.

In terms of supervised delivery, there was an improvement over the 2000 figure with 33% coverage. Trained TBAs contributed 22% of the supervised deliveries.

Child Survival

Although data on malnutrition is not exhaustive in the district, it is not doubted that a high percentage of children under five years are malnourished. Malnutrition has reduced among children of 0-11 from 20% registrants to 17% in 2001. This is a result of the recent promotion of exclusive breast feeding practices in the Municipality. Malnutrition has also dropped among 12-23 months from 41% for 2000 to 30% in 2001.

Records from Community Based Surveillance in the communities show that there were 57 infant deaths in 2001 as against 96 in 2000. Of this figure, convulsion accounted for 40.0%, fever 36% Cough 20% while diarrhea and vomiting accounted for 4% Vitamin A supplementation and childcare services are provided to mothers to reduce malnutrition.

National Immunization Days (NID) and mini mass immunization programs have been undertaken in the Municipality. Immunization coverage for children has fallen in the year 2001. While coverage for children under one year was 76% in 2000, 2001 recorded 61% coverage levels. Similarly, coverage for children between 12-23 months was 19% in 2001 against 28% in 2000. DPT3 coverage was 46% for 2001 against 62% in 2000. 

The low coverage level was a result of shortage of solo-shot needles for immunization. It was also a result of the activities of armed robbers who snatch motors bikes from officers in the district. This has partly put fear in nurses to ride to communities for mini mass immunization. 


The issue of HIV/AIDS cannot be glossed over in the Municipality development process especially when the phenomenon has now assumed a developmental dimension. Although there has not been a diagnosed case of HIV/AIDS case in the Municipality as a result of lack of laboratory kits for the test, there have been pockets of rumored cases and deaths in the Municipality. The problem of HIV/AIDS in the Municipality is compounded by the lack of education and campaign to reduce its incidence.

The policy of the government in the health sector has been yielding fruits in the last five years. The common pot system of development partners contributing to the sector will ensure the equitable distribution of health services nationwide. The health sector has developed a second Five-Year Program of Action, which covers all districts. The current effort at instituting a health insurance scheme is also a step towards affordable health for all. The Municipality has the services of two Cuban doctors who help in health service delivery.


Date Created : 11/18/2017 5:06:59 AM