Location and Size
Location and Size Kwahu Afram Plains North has a total land area of approximately 2,341.3 km2. The District is bounded by five districts namely, Kwahu Afram Plains South to the south, to the east with the Volta River, to the west with two Districts in the Ashanti Region precisely the Sekyere East and Asante-Akim Districts, to the north with two districts in the Brong Ahafo Region namely Sene and Atebubu.
Relief and Drainage
The land is generally undulating and rises about 60 meters to 120 meters above sea level. The only high ground is the Donkorkrom Plateau. The District is drained by the Afram River in the west, the Volta River in the east and the Obosom River in the north which flows continually throughout the year and is used for both domestic and agricultural purposes.Several other seasonal streams are found in the District. The pattern of flow of these rivers is largely dendrites in nature and flows in the north-south direction.
The District falls within the savannah vegetation zone comprising the savannah transitional zone and savannah woodland which is characterized by short deciduous fire resistant trees often widely spaced and a ground flora composed of grass of varying heights which is associated with two main rainfall seasons occurring in June and October.
The first rainy season starts from May to June and the second from September to October. The mean annual rainfall is between 1,150mm and 1,650mm. The dry seasons are distinct starting between November and late February. Temperatures are high ranging from 36.60C to 36.80C on the average between February and March respectively while December and January have low temperatures between 19.09C and 20.10C. The relative humidity is high throughout the year, ranging from 68.2% to 71.6% in the dry season and 81.6% to 71.6% in the wet season.
Date Created : 11/29/2017 6:21:49 AM