Location and Size
The Bosome Freho District is located in the south eastern part of the Ashanti Region and shares boundaries with Bekwai Municipal to the West, Ejisu Juaben and Bosomtwe Districts to the North Asante Akim South to the South and Birim North to the South.
The District lies within Latitude 6º 00’N and 6º 26’N and Longitudes 1º 00 W and 1º 30 W. It covers a total land area of about 630 sq. km.
The District lies within the forest dissected plateau physiographic region with an average height registering between 150 metres and 300 metres above sea level. The topography is relatively flat with occasional undulating uplands, which rise around 240 metres to 300 metres around Lake Bosomtwe area.
The area is drained by the Pra, Fre, Sunso and Anum which portrays a dendritic pattern. The construction of small irrigations dam on the Anum Rivers offers great potentials for Agricultural Development all year round. Another important water body is Lake Bosomtwe, which is the only meteoritic lake in the country and also provides the only inland drainage system in the country. The Lake lies within part of the District and offers a great potential for tourism development which needs to be harnessed for job creation and diversification of the local economy from its present dominance by Agriculture with its low yield and productivity.
The climate of the district is the semi-equatorial type. It is characterized by double maxima rainfall. The first major rainfall season starts from March and ends in July. The second rainfall starts from September and ends in November. The mean annual rainfall is between 1600m – 1800mm. It has a fairly high and uniform temperature ranging between 32ºC in March and 20º C in August. Relative humidity is fairly moderate but high during the rainy season. It ranges between 70 and 80 percent in the dry season. The temperature regime and rainfall pattern enhance the cultivation of many food crops and tree crops throughout the District.
The Bosome Freho District lies within the moist – semi- deciduous forest zone. Some of the tree species are Odum, Wawa, Edinam and Mahogany. Parts of the forest have been reserved. The major forest reserve of the district is the Bosomtwe Range Forest Reserve. The ecological unfriendly farming practices and human activities, particularly farming and timber extraction have reduced the primary forests to secondary forests. Chronolaena Ordorata, popularly called Acheampong shrub is the predominant vegetative cover in many parts of the District.
Geology and Mineral
The District is underlain by three geological formations. These are the Birimian, Tarkwain and granitic rocks, which are rich in mineral deposits. The Birimian and the granitic rocks have been identified to have great potentials since they contain such minerals as gold.
The minerals found in the District include:
• Gold at Yapesa.
• Sand and Gravel deposits at Tebeso II, Amomorso, Abosamso, Yawbri and Nsese .
The untapped mineral deposit at Yapesa needs to be harnessed so as to create jobs and open up these areas for development.
The soils in the district offer ideal condition for the production of cocoa, oil-palm, tubers, cereals and other food and cash crops. With the President’s Special Initiatives on Oil Palm Plantation and Cassava for industrial starch, the district has the soil potential to meet part of the nation’s demand for Oil Palm and Cassava production
Date Created : 11/28/2017 7:08:02 AM