Traditional Set-Up
There are three (3) paramountcies namely, Nsuta, Kwamang, and Beposo. There is a strong clan relationship between the Nsuta, Beposo and Kwamang Stools and these belong to the Oyoko, Agona and Aduana clans respectively.
Ethnic Diversity
One important characteristic about the District is its ethnic diversity. Almost every ethnic group in the country can be found in the District. Of more significance is the interrelationship among the various ethnic and clan groupings. Each one is proud to be identified as “Nsutani”, “Kwamangni” and “Beposoni”, except in times of a peculiar situation that calls for a real identification.
From the 2010 Population and Housing Census (PHC) data, the District is dominated by the Akans who constitute about 64.1 percent followed by mole-Dagbani 17.9 percent, Gurma 12 percent, Grusi 4.1 percent, Mande 0.4 percent, Ewe and Guan are both 0.3 percent, Ga-Adangbe 0.1 percent and other tribes 0.8 percent.
The people in the District take special pride in the celebration of festive days like the Akwasidae, Kwasidae, Wukudae and Fofie. The Akwasidae is the most adored festive celebration of the various paramount seats. There are no known identified negative cultural practices that hamper social cohesion in the District.
The Atwea Mountain, with its beautiful scenery has a high potential in the hospitality and tourism industry. In addition, the relatively high nature of the area results in cool temperature whiles the rivers and streams serve as source of drinking water for most of the communities. Again, people make living from the rivers through fishing.
The bigger rivers especially Afram and Sene are potential sources of irrigation farming in the Afram Plains. The fact that there is no litigation on land is a plus for developing a potential for tourism. Chiefs who are custodians of the land are also collaborators with the District Assembly and therefore acquisition of land for development by the Assembly and foreign investors is not a problem.
Date Created : 11/25/2017 4:27:04 AM