Relief and Drainage
The District lies within the low-lying areas of the country with the elevation in most parts less than 80 metres above sea level. The landscape is generally undulating with an average height of about 70 metres. The highest elevation ranges between 150 and 200 metres above sea level. There are areas, mainly the valleys of the main river Pra that does not exceed 150 metres above sea level (mofa.gov.gh).
About 65 percent of the population has access to potable water. Main water sources are pipe borne water, boreholes and hand dug wells. The district is endowed with streams and one of the major rivers, namely the Pra River which enters the sea at Shama. Many rural communities still lag behind in the supply of potable water. They depend mostly on rain water, streams and rivers which are mostly polluted from mining activities. This has rendered such communities such as Krobo, Bosomdo, and Anlo Beach highly disadvantaged in terms of access to portable water.
The coastal areas have faulty shelves and sand stones of various types resting on a hard basement of granite, gneiss and schist. However, non-coastal areas have lower Birimian and granite soil minerals which when harnessed by investors, will go a long way to improve the construction industry in the District. Granite found in the Shama District can be divided into two groups namely: the Dixcove granite complex and the Cape Coast granite complex. These rock types occur in Appimenim, Ohiamadwen, Kwabena Andokrom, Anto, Aboso, Atwereboanda, Supomu Dunkwa, Assorku and Essaman.
The District lies within the tropical climate zone and experiences two rainy seasons. The major season is between March and July and the minor rainy season occurs between September and November. Mean annual rainfall is about 138mm. The highest rainfall is 170mm, while the lowest is 100mm. The average annual rainfall is 1,1820.00mm/p.a. The District has a relatively mild temperature ranging between 22º C and 28º C. In terms of humidity, precipitation occurs mainly from March to July where close to 70 percent of the rainfall takes place.
Date Created : 11/21/2017 4:03:30 AM