The Assembly, Private Sector, NGO’s and CBO’s

Some of the initiatives undertaken by the Municipal Assembly to meet the demands of the private sector are the development of some of the markets such as the Dededo and Ahoe markets, the construction of Food Vendors stalls in Ho and the rehabilitation of the meat house in Ho.

The Assembly also provides some of the credit needs of the private sector through its poverty alleviation fund. The Assembly also supports the Police to maintain law and order for law-abiding citizens to go freely about their legitimate businesses. The Assembly has registered serious NGOs and CBOs in the Municipality to enable them partake in the development efforts. It in fact works in close collaboration with some of them in areas such as HIV/AIDS prevention, etc Through its Community Initiated Projects Fund, the Assembly assists Youth Associations to carry out Development projects in their communities



Date Created : 11/20/2017 6:27:10 AM