Industry of Employment
Industry refers to the type of product produced or service rendered at the individual work place. The industry of the employed population provides information about the structure of the District’s economy. Changes in the structural composition of employed population often reflect the direction of social and economic development. For instance, with progress in manufacturing and services, the proportion of workers in agriculture decreases while workers in manufacturing and service sectors rise.
Data on employed population 15 years and older by industry and sex
The results of the analysis indicate that two of every five persons (58.6%) employed in the District are engaged in agriculture, forestry or fishing industry. Wholesale and retail trade industry and manufacturing industry constitute the next most important industry employing 7.9 percent of the employed population each. The more physically intensive industries such as construction, transportation and storage are male dominated.
Comparison of the relative shares of males and females in terms of industry of employment and that, females dominate in manufacturing and wholesale/retail. On the other hand, there is higher proportion of males than females in construction and mining.
The manufacturing sector also employs a significant proportion of the work force (10%) in several small-scale businesses such as manufacturing of leather products, bricks and tiles, clay products, sachet water, metal fabrication and carpentry and joinery.
Date Created : 11/20/2017 5:26:02 AM