Post and Telecommunication
The Municipal postal services are made up of district post office grade I which is located at Goaso and a grade II post office at Mim. The rest are postal agencies which can be found at Akrodie, Ayomso, Anyimaye, Fawohoyeden and Apart from postal services.
The Municipality is connected to three major mobile telecommunication networks such as Vodafone, Tigo and MTN. There is one internet café operating in the, it also offer training in Information Communication Technology for the teaming youth as well as operates fax services. The Municipal is therefore electronically connected to the World Wide Web.
Efforts are also made to provide internal services to the central administration of the assembly. This has make Communication within and outside the municipality very easy and economical thus very supportive of the friendly investment climate in the Municipality.
The main mode of transport in the municipality consists of road network. This is made up of feeder roads and trunk roads. Apart from Hwediem-Goaso main road network are feeder roads which are class road, the rest of the road network are feeder roads which are in deplorable conditions especially during rainy season. This make transportation of food crops to the market centres very difficult and expensive.
It must be noted that the poor state and inadequacy of the road network has contributed significantly to the poor performance of the agricultural sector which is the backbone of their economy. The problem is very acute in the north – western and western parts of the municipality which is unmemorable in the rainy season.
Date Created : 11/10/2017 7:32:06 AM