
Historically, the people of Bongo trace their roots to the Mamprugu Kingdom in the Northern Region of Ghana especially those entitled to the Royal Skin, which is the paramount seat. The District is a multi-ethnic one with two (2) major ethnic groups dominating that is the Bosis who are from the Bongo Central and some parts of the District while the Frafras are at the outskirts of Bongo.

The Bossis are heirs to the Paramountcy and are enskined by the Nayiri the overlord of Mamprugu. There are also Tindaamas who hail from Zorko, Namoo and other settlements. Two major languages are spoken in the District that is Bonni which is spoken by the Bossis and Guruni which is spoken by the Frafras.

Due to the rural nature of the District, communal spirit among the people is high because they live in communities and see themselves as one. However, their level of communal spirit should be translated into development activities such as communal labour for development projects.

Traditional Knowledge

The traditional religion is dominant in the District and hence there are a lot of traditional knowledge, attitudes and practices in the District. A lot of ailments are still being treated with traditional medicine and resorting to the soothsayers for diagnosis of certain diseases and occurrences of calamities.

Religious Composition

The Bongo District is comprised of different religious groupings. The traditional religion, Christianity and Islam.  The traditional religion is the largest forming about 53.6% followed by Christianity, which constitutes 28.3% while Islam forms about 6.4% of the population.


The District has only one major festival known as "Azambene" which literally means the Fire Festival. This festival is also celebrated by the Mamprusis, Dagombas and Moshies. This goes to confirm that the people from the Bongo District trace their roots to Mamprugu.

During the festival, there is merry-making as well as drumming and dancing. There is also traditional pomp and pageantry and both the young and old participate in this festival. The District could use this festival to promote its culture to the outside world and also serve as unifying force to the people of the District, and hence a very vital tool for development in the District.

Tourist Centre Construction and Furnishings

We wish to create a six unit bed and breakfast facility in keeping with local style and tradition but offering a standard of comfort required by the tourist.  A plot of land has been identified and is available for development. There would be a reception and kitchen and accommodation.  The buildings would be constructed with sandcrete blocks, faced with mud on the outside and plastered inside.  Roofing will be thatched with overhang to prevent ingress of water into windows and doors.  Louvre windows will have mosquito netting and the outer door will be wooden with an inner screen door.  The floors will be polished cement.  There will be running water and electricity.  Solar panels could provide some power especially during power cuts.

Tourist Activities

Tourists could use the facilities for quiet relaxation or in order to pursue a number of activities.  Guides would be employed to take visitors to the sites of interest mentioned above.  We would also like to create a nature trail of approximately 5 to 6 kilometres going round the twin rocky mountains of Bongo.

Visits can be organised to see craft persons at work and workshops for tourists can also be organised.  Drumming and dancing displays will be organised and again tourists can be given the opportunity to join in. Visitors will be able to sample local dishes and have the opportunity to see and join in cooking some of them. Means of transport can be by foot, bicycle or donkey cart and ultimately, for longer distances we would aim to have a vehicle.


We would hope to produce leaflets and posters similar to those of Paga and Sirigu which would be available in tourist offices throughout Ghana.  We would also seek help to produce a website and to publish articles in travel magazines. The quality of service that we aim to provide should also speak for itself and engender publicity.


Tourism Attractions

The tourist sector of the District is under developed even though the District has a great potential in that area. A lot of tourist sites abound in the District. They include the following:

  1. The Vea Irrigation Dam.
  2. Beautifully formed rocks such as Aposerga rock, Apaaspanga rock    and Azudoo rock all in Bongo township.        
  3. Bat Sanctuary at Apuwongo.
  4. Avea Maasa Crocodile Pond at Vea.
  5. Beautiful handicraft products such as baskets, hats and mats.
  6. Leather works and smock weaving at Feo and Namoo.

Date Created : 11/18/2017 6:05:52 AM